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Myomassology is an integration of techniques including basic Swedish massager, aromatherapy, reflexology, shiatsu, energy balancing, and craniosacral therapy along with other modalities in conjunction with instruction in nutrition, meditation and yoga. The term Myomassology was coined by Irene Gauthier to describe her combined work of Swedish massager, craniosacral therapy, reflexology and body mechanics.
Medical massager
Massage used in the medical field includes decongestive therapy used for lymphedema which can be used in conjunction with the treatment of breast cancer. Light massager is also used in pain management and palliative care. Carotid sinus massager is used to diagnose carotid sinus syncope and is sometimes useful for differentiating supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) from ventricular tachycardia. It, like the valsalva maneuver, is a therapy for SVT. However, it is less effective than management of SVT with medications.
Lomi Lomi and indigenous massager of Oceania
Main article: Lomi Lomi
Lomilomi is the traditional massager of Hawaii. As an indigenous practice, it varies by island and by family. The word lomilomi also is used for massager in Samoa and East Futuna. In Samoa, it is also known as lolomi and milimili. In East Futuna, it is also called milimili, fakasolosolo, amoamo, lusilusi, kinikini, faiua. The Mori call it roromi and mirimiri. In Tonga massager is fotofota, tolotolo, and amoamo. In Tahiti it is rumirumi. On Nanumea in Tuvalu, massager is known as popo, pressure application is kukumi, and heat application is tutu. Massage has also been documented in Tikopia in the Solomon Islands, in Rarotonga and in Pukapuka in Western Samoa.
Massage in Tarifa, Spain.
Main article: Hoffman Massage
Hoffman massager is a system of intuitive massager and bodywork developed by Bronson Bertschinger. The main idea behind the Hoffman system of massager and bodywork is based on the belief that humans are very complex and consist of material, emotional, subtle and spiritual energy and that humans are too complex to fit into a routine style of treatment that many massager schools and styles teach. Hoffman massager uses techniques that are aimed to affect and balance many systems of the body in the treatment. Techniques vary from deep touch to very subtle energetic healing.
Ref. : http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/The-Magic-Of-Hilot--Massager/1150952
Main article: Hilot
is a traditional healing technique from the Philippines that also includes massager techniques. The massager techniques relax stressed muscles. Hilot also includes joint manipulations to help relax stressed muscles.
Hilot encompasses a wide variety of techniques beyond the treatment of stressed muscles. Hilot is used to reset dislocated or sprained joints, diagnose and treat musculoligamentous and musculoskeletal ailments, and even to aid in giving birth and to induce abortion.
Lymphatic drainage massage is a therapeutic massage treatment. The massage uses very light pressure and long, gentle, rhythmic strokes to increase lymphatic flow, with the aim of getting rid of toxins in your body.
The lymph system is part of your body's immune system; lymph helps fight infection and acts as a toxin filter. There are around twice as many lymph vessels as blood vessels in your body. However, unlike blood, which is pumped around your body by your heart, the lymph system has no pump. Lymph relies on the pressure from your blood vessels and movement from your muscles to carry white blood cells and antibodies around the lymph system.
Lymph itself is a clear, slightly yellow fluid which flows easily through your body. It transports nutrients and oxygen to cells, collecting toxins on the way and then flushing the toxins out through the lymph nodes.
Drinking alcohol, eating too much sugar, drinking too much tea and coffee, living stressed lives in polluted cities -- there are many reasons these days why our bodies are full of toxins.
Lymphatic drainage massage can have a beneficial effect on your general health. Because lymph is key to keeping your immune system working properly, improving the flow and drainage of lymph around the body is good for you in lots of ways. It can:
Manual lymphatic drainage is also used in the treatment of lymphoedema.
Lymphatic drainage massage can improve your skin texture by:
Before you go
As with any spa treatment, you will get most benefit if you give yourself enough time to truly relax and enjoy your massage. Arrive soon enough to get ready and settle; try to avoid rushing off for an appointment straight afterwards. It's also a good idea to give yourself plenty of time either side of the massage, so that you don't feel rushed.
You should always tell your therapist in advance if you:
Before any massage treatment, try not to schedule in a large meal or some alcohol. It's also a good idea to drink plenty of water, which will help your body to flush out the toxins from your body.
Lymphatic drainage massage usually takes place in a heated room; warmth is an important factor in increasing lymphatic flow. You are also likely to be more relaxed if you're not cold. Your therapist will usually carry out lymphatic drainage massage with you on a massage table, while you're draped in discreetly placed towels.
Your therapist will probably work her way up from your feet. Lymphatic drainage massage uses very light pressure, as well as long, gentle, rhythmic strokes and soft pumping movements in the direction of the lymph nodes. The main lymph nodes are in the neck, armpits, and groin.
A treatment usually lasts around 30 minutes for a localised session, or about an hour for a full-body treatment.
Hot tip!
Lymphatic drainage is about flushing out your system; you can do this every day by drinking plenty of water and staying active.
One of the best things you can do for your lymphatic system is to be more active. Even the most gentle activity will help encourage a healthy lymph flow, as movement of the muscles exerts pressure on the lymphatic vessels and keeps them moving.
Lymphatic drainage can leave you feeling exhausted. You may want to have a lie down, or at the very least, a very undemanding schedule for the rest of the day. You might like to treat yourself to a gentle swim or a sauna afterwards. Give your body time to ease back into activity.
Lymphatic drainage massage may also leave you really thirsty. We've seen people who are not usually water-drinkers reaching for bottles of San Pellegrino like it's free champagne!