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Chinese - Beijing Model Photos
Nice boob massage.A technique of massage to getting bigger boob s hot breast .If wanna biger breas you should do boob massage. Full video at :
Shizuka Nakamura 中村靜香 (F-cup babe) Bejean 寫真集
中村 静香(なかむら しずか、1988年9月9日 - )は、京都府宇治市出身の女性タレント、グラビアアイドル。オスカープロモーション所属。美少女クラブ31、ティーンエイジクラブのメンバー。京都府立久御山高等学校卒業。
How To Massage Away Lower Back Pain
Sometimes a soothing massage can be the perfect solution to get rid of lower back pain. Our essential guide will teach you all that you need to know.
- 1 Clean sheet
- 3 towels
- 1 pillow or cushion
- massage oil
- 1 massage table, mattress or mat
- A volunteer
Most people don't have access to a massage table, so the next best thing would be a mattress or find an open space on the floor, preferably with some sort of carpet or matting for comfort. Make sure the room is warm since the person must have their top off.
Place the pillow where the person's chest will be, leaving enough space to move around the head. Spread the sheet to catch any excess oil. Have the person first loosen their pants to make it easier to access the lower back before they lie face down with the pillow underneath the breast bone. Fold one of the towels and place it under the forehead, allowing the person to keep the neck straight. Be sure to tell them to inform you if there is ever anything that is painful or uncomfortable.
Roll the other towel up and place it beneath the ankles to help support the lower back.
Spread the third towel over the legs and tuck the upper part into the pants to protect them from the oil.
Place a small quantity of oil in a cupped hand and warm it by rubbing your hands together. Come to one side of the person and spread the oil evenly over the mid and lower back to the top of the hips with smooth gliding strokes.
Let the hands move down to the hips and place one of your hands over the other with both arms extended. With a motion that comes from your own centre begin making circles with the palms. Be aware that there are no ribs protecting the low back and we should always use a gentler pressure to avoid discomfort or injury. Allow the circling to move towards the head without crossing over the backbone. Once you reach the lower ribs, bring the palms around towards the sides and continue circling down towards the hips. Continue this cycle 3 or four times.
Without breaking contact, form the hands into "lobster claws” by keeping the fingers straight and spreading the thumbs. Now begin gently lifting the muscles of the lower
back by making a turning motion with the wrist. Now repeat with the other hand. Continue alternating hands, developing a smooth windshield wiper-like rhythm, covering the side of the back nearest you. This is a good time to check in with the person to see if you are using a good level of pressure.
Finish the lifting around the lower ribs and turn towards the person's feet. Now with the thumb extended, begin applying slow strokes down the muscles along the backbone. When you reach the sacrum where the spine connects to the hips, allow the thumb to slide off as the other begins again from the lower rib area. Carry on with the thumb strokes as you move away from the backbone, towards the sides. Start again from next to the backbone and repeat the cycle 2 more times.
Now begin muscle lifting along the top of the hip bone. As you get to centre, lay the outside hand on the sacrum and move around the head to and repeat the palm circling, lifting and thumb work on the other side.
Once again come to the sacrum, but this time slowly tuck the fingers in, making fists with both hands, and with arms extended, drag the knuckles up along side the spine to the low ribs. From there, roll the fists over so that the larger knuckles are in contact and with light but steady pressure originating from your centre, slowly start moving down towards the sacrum. Then use the knuckles of the index fingers to make circles out along the tops of the hip bones. When you reach the sides, bring the knuckles back to the sacrum and repeat the cycle 3 more times.
On the final cycle, when you reach the sacrum, open the hands and maintain a steady pressure on the top of the hips toward the feet. Allow the hands to slowly slide out to the sides while maintaining the pressure. Now turn towards the person again and place the hand that is nearest the head on top of the sacrum with fingers pointing towards their feet. Place the other hand just above with fingers pointing towards their head and the thumb and little finger on either side of the backbone. It is important that you don't put any pressure on the spine itself. Keep your own back straight and begin to slowly spread the hands apart. When the upper hand reaches the mid back, move to one side of the backbone and repeat and then once more on the other side.
After the back spreads, extend one hand across the lower back with other hand close to you. Now with a fluid motion, pull the far hand towards you as you push the near hand away. Continue alternating pushing and pulling as you cover the entire lower back and sacrum area. Allow the pressure to lighten as the hands slowly lift off the back.
And that's one way to massaging away lower back pain.
Back Pain:
How To Massage Away Lower Back Pain
This is a great example of my Core Relaxation Technique. Notice how I work light to medium, to deep for greater comfort and effectiveness. The process of using my weight to brace the spine in order to work deep into the muscle of the spine, front and back. I address the deep layers of muscle including the spinal erectors and even psoas. My weight is distributed accross the pelvis, for a deep compression pumping action of the lymph and blood of the lower organs, iliacus, psoas, glutes, shu points along the rib joints, and the pressure points at the sacrum. The deep portions, especially, the portions which I use my entire weight for compression are absolutely conraindicated for paitients who have severe spinal injuries in the acute stage or for persons with fragile skeletons. The technique is absolutely indicated for those who have large dense muscles, strong bones, and stress in the glutes and lower back. The roots of this technique are from Eastern modalities, such as Thai massage, and are rooted in a depth of knowledge of anatomy Check out my website for more from me.
A brief look at the history of massage - 2 B.C. to 2006.
Massage therapy has been touted as one of the oldest forms of medical treatment. First recorded in China during the second century B.C. in The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, massage was mentioned as a recommendation for the treatment of certain ailments. In India, the traditional healing system of Ayurvedic medicine also prescribed massage for a variety of medical conditions. Physicians of ancient Greece and Rome utilized massage as one of the primary methods to treat pain. In the West, during the fifth century B.C., Hippocrates also instructed his fellow physicians on the many benefits of rubbing.
History of Swedish Massage
It would seem that the impulse to rub a hurt was quite instinctual, but up until the early 1800s, there were few advances in the actual massage techniques until Swedish massage was developed. A Swedish doctor named Per Henrik Ling is often mistakenly associated with Swedish massage. He actually incorporated massage with medical gymnastics and physiology and developed the Swedish Gymnastic Movement System. Early on, physiotherapy was actually originally based on Ling's manual methods.
Massage Therapy had been used for many medical and psychiatric conditions until scientific breakthroughs in medical technology and pharmacology substantially changed the foundation of medicine in the West. Quite simply, drugs became the solution for many ailments and electrical instruments gradually replaced manual methods.
Read more at Suite101: History of Massage: The history of massage reveals how this ancient healing practice has withstood the test of time.
Massage is a Natural Healing Therapy
Over the years, though massage faded in and out of our Western medical system, it seems there has always been an awareness of its inherent healing and therapeutic value. During the 1960s, a wave of interest in natural healing once again revitalized the practice of massage and has continued to be a popular method of dealing with stress. Perhaps this is why massage has become mainstream as the increased pace of life has created all sorts of stress related problems.
In 1997, a U.S. survey showed that consumers spent between four to six billion dollars on massage, approximately 30 percent of the total amount of money spent on complementary and alternative medicine. At the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, medical doctors are researching the beneficial effect of massage therapy on a variety of conditions such as stress-related disorders, depression and anxiety, pain, and auto-immune disorders. I think it is fair to say that our ancestors were on to something when they rubbed themselves well!
Read more at Suite101: History of Massage: The history of massage reveals how this ancient healing practice has withstood the test of time.
Chinese massage, sometimes known as Oriental Massage, though perhaps increasingly commonly known by the proper name, tui na, is a form of acupressure. As the name would suggest, acupressure is very similar to acupuncture in philosophy. In theories surrounding acupuncture it is thought that there are invisible passageways called meridians that run throughout the body and are the channels through which a vital energy called qi (pronounced “kee” or “chee”) flow through. Diseases and disorders are thought to be a result of disruptions in the flow of this qi through the meridians. Along these meridians are a series of points known as acupoints through which it is thought that these disruptions can be rectified through any number of means. Acupuncture proper involves the stimulation of the acupoints through the penetration of the skin by very thin needles of various lengths. Moxibustion attempts to stimulate the acupoints through the burning of specific Chinese herbs. Alternately, sonopuncture uses a form of stimulation through sound waves and electroacupuncture, which may or may not include needles, looks to stimulate the acupuncture points through the administration of small electric charges. Acupressure, also known as oriental massage as practiced in Oriental Massage Parlors, similarly looks to restore the body’s lost balance through manipulation with the fingers of the acupoints. In tui na, the individual practitioner uses a series of movements including brushing kneading, rolling, pressing and rubbing areas between joints that are known in the philosophy of tui na as the eight gates. It is thought that the motions applied allow for the movement of the energy, or qui, through the meridians, restoring the lost internal balance. It is also thought that the practitioner of tui na will then use a series of motion, traction and massage of the acupressure points in an effort to treat both chronic and acute musculoskeletal conditions, in particular, as well as more general conditions that may or may not be musculoskeletal in origin.
Tui na massage has been used in China for more than two thousand years. There have been massage techniques that have dated back to the Shang Dynasty as well as a number of very old inscriptions that have suggested that external medicine such as massage has been very widely used. It is thought that by 700 AD Chinese massage had begun to be studied as a separate branch of learning in the Imperial Medical College in what is present day China. As the discipline progressed there began to be a number of forms of tui na that each sought to correct different conditions, symptoms or diseases using somewhat differing practices and methodologies, but all being related as forms of external medicine.
How Massage Therapy Works
At this point it is still unclear exactly how massage therapy is effective, if indeed it is fully effective. It is understood that when pressure is applied to muscles that changes do occur although it to this day remains unclear just what those changes are. In addition, it has been readily observed that massage therapy does indeed reduce stress and that this stress reducing capacity may alleviate other diseases that are aggravated by stress. According to the National Institutes of Health’s National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the following six theories have been proposed with regard to massage therapy. First, that the stimulation may in some way help to block pain signals that make their way to the brain, which is known as the “gate control theory” of pain reduction. Second, that the massage may cause relaxation, a shift to what is known as the parasympathetic nervous system away from the sympathetic nervous system, the latter being the part of the nervous system that activates the bodies stress responses. Third, it is thought that massage may release chemicals in the body, such as serotonin or endorphins. The fourth theories is that there may be beneficial mechanical changes in the body, the example given being that the formation of scar-like tissue (known as fibrosis) could be prevented, or that the flow of lymph may in some way be increased, which would be positive as lymph carries cells that are used by the body to fight diseases. The fifth theory is that massage may simply improve one’s sleep, which can help reduce pain and promotes healing. The final theory noted by the National Institutes of Health’s National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine is that there may be some form of health benefit simply deriving from the interaction that exists between a therapist and his or her patient. In addition, the National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine is sponsoring a number of research initiatives. These include looking at how massage and the frequency of massage effects health individuals, the long term benefits of massage on chronic neck pain versus conventional treatments, massage as a means of improving quality of life in cancer patients as a form of palliative care, and finally whether or not massage helps reduce the painful symptoms found in those suffering from sickle cell anemia.
Present Day Relevance
That Chinese massage, or tui na, has a long and illustrious history is certain. Where it becomes of even more interest to a Western audience is in conjunction with some of the other developments in external medicine that have developed in the past century and a half. These include the forms of chiropractors that are currently being trained and practicing in North America. It is important to note that although this form of external medicine has gained a place in the treatment regimens for many Americans, it to this day still is not entirely understood. Generally the attractiveness of treatment options that involve different forms of massage has been the positive reaction from individuals who choose this treatment option. As more research goes into understanding just how massage in general and the types of massage found in Traditional Chinese Medicine function, it will only be to the benefit of patients and practitioners alike to be part of the discovery of just how this ancient form of external medicine has helped so many people and how it will continue to do so in the future.
Tuina Massage (Tui Na) is an Oriental Bodywork Therapy that has been used in China for 2,000 years. Tuina (Tui Na) uses the traditional Chinese medical theory of the flow of Qi through the meridians as its basic therapeutic orientation. Through the application of massage and manipulation techniques Tuina (Tui Na) seeks to establish a more harmonious flow of Qi through the system of channels and collaterals, allowing the body the naturally heal itself.
Tuina (Tui Na) methods include the use of hand techniques to massage the soft tissue (muscles and tendons) of the body, acupressure techniques to directly affect the flow of Qi , and manipulation techniques to realign the musculoskeletal and ligamentous relationships (bone-setting). External herbal poultices, compresses, liniments, and salves are also used to enhance the other therapeutic methods.
Tuina (Tui Na) has a variety of different systems that emphasize particular aspects of these therapeutic principles. The main schools in China include the rolling method school which emphasizes soft tissue techniques and specializes in joint injuries and muscle sprains, the one finger pushing method school which emphasizes techniques for acupressure and the treatment of internal diseases, and Nei Gung method school which emphasizes the use of Nei Gong Qi energy generation exercises and specific massage methods for revitalizing depleted energy systems, and the bone setting method school which emphasizes manipulation methods to realign the musculoskeletal and ligamentous relationships and specializes in joint injuries and nerve pain.
In a typical session, the client, wearing loose clothing and no shoes, lies on a table or floor mat. The practitioner examines the specific problems of the client and begins to apply a specific treatment protocol. The major focus of application is upon specific pain sites, acupressure points, energy meridians, and muscles and joints. Advanced Tuina (Tui Na) practitioners may also use Chinese herbs to facilitate quicker healing. Sessions last from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Depending on the specific problems of the client, they may return for additional treatments. The client usually feels relaxed but energized by the treatment.
Tuina (Tui Na) is now being popularized in this country as a powerful therapeutic extension of traditional western massage methods. Tuina's (Tui Na) simplicity and focus on specific problems, rather than a more generalized treatment, make it both an excellent alternative and/or extension of the Swedish-style massage. By utilizing treatments of shorter duration, it can be used in a variety of settings, including home, office, clinic or hospital. It is well suited for both the professional massage therapist or the active, health conscious individual.
Tuina (Tui Na) practitioners can be found by calling Acupuncture Colleges of the American Oriental Bodywork Therapy Association.
History : Tuina
Tuina (Tui Na) dates back to the Shang Dynasty of China, 1700 B.C.E. Oracle bones show that tuina (tui na) massage was used to treat children's diseases and digestive complaints in adults. By 600 C.E. Tuina (tui na) was included in the Imperial Medical College as a separate department. Tuina (tui na) flourished throughout China until the Qing Dynasty where it was suppressed along with other Chinese cultural arts. Following the Communist revolution, Tuina (tui na) was restored along with other traditional medical arts and was included in the creation of the current system of Traditional Medicine Colleges.
Currently, Tuina (tui na) is taught as a separate but equal field of study in the major traditional Chinese medical colleges. Tuina (tui na) doctors receive the same demanding training as acupuncturists and herbalists and enjoy the same level of professional respect.
Benefits, Limitations, Contraindications
Tuina (tui na) is well suited for the treatment of specific musculoskeletal disorders and chronic stress-related disorders of the digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems. Effective treatment protocols have been tested in a practical setting. Tuina (tui na) is not especially useful for those seeking a mild, sedating and relaxing massage since it tends to be more task focused than other types of bodywork. Contraindications include conditions involving fractures, phlebitis, infectious conditions, open wounds, and lesions.
"Shiatsu" is a Japanese word, literally meaning "finger pressure". It is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and is a form of massage administered by the thumbs, fingers, palms, forearms, elbows, and feet, to apply pressure along the skin of the energetic Organ Meridian system, encouraging the free flow of Qi, Blood and Emotions. The goal of shiatsu is to rectify internal malfunctioning, to promote and maintain health, to prevent disease, and to enhance the body's natural regenerative powers and immunity. It is my preferred treatment modality for stress relief and general balancing of the energetic system. Periodic shiatsu promotes a person's sensitivity to their body/mind, acting as a health barometer, alerting the person to minor imbalances that can then be corrected before they become major health concerns.
The Japanese Ministry of Health attributes seven interrelated effects to Shiatsu. These interrelated effects stimulate the body to function optimally and maintain good health.
A Brief History:
"Shiatsu" originated in Japan as a blend of traditional Japanese massage (Amma), and Traditional Chinese Medical theory (TCM). Amma uses rubbing, pressing, stretching, and manipulations to restore suppleness to the body and remove "blocked" areas. Traditionally the seeing impaired were recruited as Amma practitioners, as they were thought to have more sensitivity to the sense of touch. In the early 1940's Shizuto Masunaga, trained as an oriental medical practitioner, blended Amma techniques with an understanding of the meridian system, an integral part of TCM, and called this "Shiatsu". Since then, "Shiatsu" has been used as a generic name for many different styles of massage that employ the meridian system: Acupressure, Chi Nei Tsang, Five Element Shiatsu, Integrative Eclectic Shiatsu, Japanese Shiatsu, Jin Shin Do, Macrobiotic Shiatsu, Shiatsu Amma, Zen Shiatsu.
As mentioned, Shiatsu is theoretically based on the "meridian" system of Traditional Chinese medical theory (TCM). Discussions of the "meridians" are found in classical Chinese medical texts dated back 2500+ years. All traditional Oriental medical modalities employ use of Meridian theory. Simplistically, the meridians are defined as "invisible energy lines".
There are many legends about the origins of the meridian system and the points found along the meridians. One story is that the meridians were discovered by observing soldiers who were wounded by arrows and spears and recovered from ailments in other parts of their bodies. Trial and error over many centuries evolved into a refined and detailed clinical methodology based on this system of correspondences. Another tale holds that sages were able to map the pathways of energy transmission in the body while they were in heightened states of meditation.
Whatever the origins, the observations, and the recording of these observations over the centuries by the Chinese, has led to a very sophisticated mapping of an "energy grid", the meridians, on the body.
Zen Shiatsu was introduced firstly by Shizuto Masunaga. Zen is a way of meditation. Master Masunaga believed that a shiatsu therapist should practice zen meditation. Zen helps to achieve harmony of body and mind and it helps to understand the chi behavior inside the body and the concept of shiatsu meridians and their affects upon the general health of the patient. Meridians chart describes the whole systems of the body as a unique energy system where the chi flows. Shiatsu massage helps to maintain the harmony of the shiatsu meridians system.
The Japanese people have been practicing the art of breast massage for thousands of years. Originally the purpose of this massage was to increase blood flow circulation, detoxify breast milk and release boob pain. More recently, the massage has been successfully used to release pressure caused by women wearing bras on a daily basis. In the twenty first century the massage technique found a new purpose: to increase breast size, shape and firmness.
Japanese breast massage is mostly intended for relaxation and to release minor pains. For more intense and specific massages
Ref. :
Sensual massage is a great way to build intimacy and closeness with your partner. But massage is a skill, and it's beneficial to learn some basic massage techniques so that what you do actually feels good to your partner.
One way to learn basic Swedish massage techniques like effleurage is to take a class from a local learning center.
If you can't find a class, you can arrange with a massage therapist to show you how to give a massage. They will focus on basic massage techniques, but with a willing partner you can use some creativity and go places that the professional massage therapist can't.
Another way to learn sensual massage techniques at home is "The Art of Sensual Massage" (compare prices)" by Gordon Inkeles. This fully illustrated book and DVD teaches you how to give a sensual massage at home. Keep in mind, however, that massage relaxes the body, whereas lovemaking excites it. It's best if you approach massage as an end in itself, not merely as a prelude to lovemaking.
Sensual Massage Toolkit
The Basics of How To Give A Sensual Massage
Sensual Massage and The Spa
Sensual massage is not offered in a professional spa. The massage therapists who work at spas are trained in therapeutic massage, which is based on Swedish massage techniques. If you asked for sensual massage at a spa, it will be interpreted as a request for sexual contact.
It is a breach of spa etiquette to ask for sex as part of a therapeutic massage. If you do, the massage therapist will explain that is not the purpose of this massage. They may continue working (unless you persist) or end the massage.
Men sometimes ask for sex during massage in an indirect fashion by directing them "work higher" when they get to their thighs or "work lower" when they massage their chest. They also ask the therapist to remove the sheet or ask if the therapist does "extras" or "happy endings." None of this is appropriate -- or legal -- in a spa setting.