Monday, May 30, 2011
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Sunday, May 29, 2011
Swedish Massage
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What Happens During Swedish Massage?
Generally during Swedish massage you're nude underneath a towel or sheet. The massage therapist uncovers only the part of the body he/she is working on, a technique called draping. You can keep your underwear on during Swedish massage, and many newcomers do.
During Swedish massage, massage therapists apply massage oil to your skin to facilitate various massage strokes, including the smooth, gliding strokes called effleurage. Other classic Swedish massage moves include kneading, friction, stretching and (sometimes) tapping.
Swedish massage promotes relaxation, eases muscle tension and creates other health benefits. It can be slow and gentle or vigorous and bracing, depending on what the therapist wants to achieve.
Feel free to state your preference for pressure during Swedish massage. It can range from light to firm. Swedish massage usually includes some deeper work on areas of specific muscle tension. If you want more intensive work and firmer pressure, ask for a deep tissue massage.
The cost of a Swedish massage will vary, depending on whether you go to a day spa, resort spa, destination spa, a chain like Massage Envy or go to a massage therapist. Swedish massage pricing will also depend on what part of the country you live and how luxurious the spa is.
Why Is It Called Swedish Massage?
Swedish massage was pioneered by a Swedish physiologist, Henri Peter Ling, at the University of Stockholm in 1812. It was introduced to the U.S. in 1858 as "The Swedish Movement Cure." Swedish massage is the foundation for other types of Western massage, including sports massage, deep tissue massage and aromatherapy massage.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
The biggest sex mistakes men and women make
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It’s no secret that many couples have mixed signals on exactly what their partner wants in the bedroom. To help sort out these “misunderstandings,” Ian Kerner, author of several books including “She Comes First,” and iVillage sex expert Tracey Cox addressed the most common mistakes both women and men make.
The sex mistakes women most often make:
1. Women don’t understand why men don’t like to cuddle.
Ian: After sex, men return to the pre-aroused state, women return to a semi-aroused state. For guys it’s a total system shutdown. We just want to crash, whereas women want to connect, cuddle, converse, even have more sex. Women shouldn’t assume that a guy is insensitive if he’s more inclined to snore than snuggle. He’s probably just shattered. Think of it as a compliment to the sex you just had.
Tracey: I disagree with this. I think men do like to cuddle! They’re just worried their partner might see it as weak and them as vulnerable. I think a lot of the time a man suggests sex, what they’re really after is the physical closeness a cuddle would provide
2. Women don’t understand the extent to which performance anxieties, self-esteem issues and body-image issues all affect male sex drive.
Ian: Absolutely. Guys have many of the same issues as women when it comes to sex: feeling out of shape, unattractive, not wanting to be seen naked during sex. I worked with one guy who always had to rush to put on his boxers after sex and could never cuddle naked. His wife didn’t know what was going on. Turned out he felt very “smallish” after sex.
Also, when guys are stressed out about work/financial issues, it often leads to a shutdown of desire. In both men and women, low self-esteem equals low desire.
Tracey: Men aren’t robots. They’re humans and worry about the same stuff females do. Also there’s pressure on men to provide good sex to women. They expect a lot from men in bed these days, and often expect men to be mind readers, rather than tell them what they want. I’m not surprised men get anxious and their libido dips.
3. Women think that men are always ready and willing to have sex any time, any place.
Ian: No way. As relationships progress over time, women can’t assume that guys are Pavlovian dogs that want to have sex every time you ring the bell. The mental turn-on becomes more crucial than the physical turn-on, and sexual desire begins in the brain, not the groin.
Tracey: They do! And they get all upset if he doesn’t get an instant erection just by looking at her! It’s true that young men probably are ready, willing and able at any point, but once a guy moves into his 20s, the pressure mounts in other areas of his life, like career, and he’s as capable of getting distracted by life’s problems as she is!
4. Women don’t understand how men can differentiate so easily between love and sex.
Ian: One of the reasons is that during sex, women produce lots of oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates a strong emotional connection. As a result, women are more emotionally integrated when it comes to sex. That’s why casual sex and hookups often backfire for lots of women. Guys produce little to no oxytocin, and can easily have sex without any sense of emotional connection. It’s sex with no emotional strings attached.
The sex mistakes men make most often
1. Men assume that women have lower desire than men.
Tracey: Men think they have a stronger sex drive than women do, but in most cases they’re wrong. The reason why men remain the main sexual instigators isn’t just to do with desire. Other factors have a big influence. Women are more likely to do the housework on top of holding down a job, so we’re more tired. Hormones also influence our libido, which means our sex drive is less constant. We’re likely to feel like lots of sex at a particular time, rather than all of the time. We also tend to attach more emotions to sex, so if our partner’s being a right so-and-so out of bed, we aren’t going to want to jump in one with him! Finally, there’s evidence that while men are aroused by the thought of sex, women are more aroused by sensation.This basically means we might be a bit lackluster at the start, but heat up nicely once things get going.
Ian: These are the same guys who think foreplay is a peck on the lips and a hand down the pants. If guys actually took the time to understand and nurture female desire, they’d be surprised at the strength of its force.
2. Men assume that all women want romance, not raunch.
Tracey: I always find it quite amusing when I ask men what they think women want in bed because they nearly always put a romantic spin on it. Well, we’re not the pure, innocent little creatures you think we are. Women can be just as naughty as men. In fact, a recent study proved that women are more aroused by explicit fantasies than romantic ones. Flick through a Nancy Friday book about female fantasies next time you’re browsing the bookstores. She got women worldwide to send her their personal favorites and, believe me, they aren’t about men on white horses and romantic walks along the beach!
Ian: Women have as much of a naughty wild side as men. The cliché is that men are lights-on, women are lights-off in the bedroom, but sex is multidimensional and it’s all about having a dimmer switch that goes from romance to raunch.
3. Men assume that women want guys to look and perform like porn stars.
Tracey: I think men make the mistake thinking porn sex is real sex. It’s not! Men in porn are chosen because they aren’t the norm. They’re larger than life, if you get my drift. Quite frankly, faced with what they have in real life, most women’s eyes would water! We don’t want that, and we don’t want men to behave like they do in porn films. They work their way through the Kama Sutra in about five minutes. In real life, that’s just boring. It doesn’t impress us if he changes positions all the time. What does impress us is a guy who takes time to work out what we need to get turned on. It’s not about the positions — that’s often the least interesting part of sex for women!
Ian: A guy can’t get through the day without seeing an ad for an erectile stimulant, getting spam about some sort of penis enlargement pill, or hearing sexual tall tales from the guys in the locker-room. We live in an age where a lot of guys feel like they have to make love like porn stars, and with all the cultural reinforcement, it’s hard to believe otherwise.
4. Men assume that if they’re ready for sex, she’s ready for sex.
Tracey: The male and female sexual systems are different: men get aroused much quicker; women take time. Just because he’s ready for sex doesn’t mean she is! This is the single, biggest mistake even experienced male lovers make. They underestimate how long women take to orgasm. The statistic most cited for oral sex (which is the fastest, most direct route) is 20 minutes. Most men can climax in about two minutes! And not just that, we need time to get warmed up for sex so we’re physically prepared for it. Foreplay isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity!
Ian: Guys cycle very quickly through the process of arousal. A guy experiences a sexual moment and presto! He’s ready for sex. There’s an instant connection between arousal and the desire for sex, and guys assume that women are experiencing the same thing. So to all the guys: Take your assumptions, add 15 minutes of foreplay.
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Deep tissue massage
Deep tissue massage is a type of massage aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue. Deep tissue massage uses many of the same movements and techniques as Swedish massage, but the pressure will generally be more intense. It is also a more focused type of massage, as the therapist works to release chronic muscle tension or knots (also known as "adhesions.")
Will A Deep Tissue Massage Hurt?
It shouldn't hurt, but it's likely to be a bit more uncomfortable than a classic Swedish massage. You should always feel free to speak up if the pressure is too much for you.
It's important to drink a lot of water after a deep tissue massage to help flush lactic acid out of the tissues. If you don't, you might be sore the next day.
It's possible that you might feel some soreness the day after a deep tissue massage even if you DO drink water. This just means a lot of waste products were flushed out of the tissues. It should pass within a day or so.
How Fast Will I Get Results With A Deep Tissue Massage?
It's important to be realistic about what one deep tissue massage can achieve. Many people ask for more pressure, thinking that if the therapist just pushes hard enough, they can get rid of all their knots in an hour. This just won't happen.
In fact, undoing chronic knots and tension built up over a lifetime is best achieved with an integrated program that includes exercise, work on your posture and ways of moving, relaxation techniques and a regular program of massage.
Finally, while deep tissue is certainly valuable, you should be aware that gentle styles of massage like craniosacral therapy can also produce profound release and realignment in the body.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Hot Stone Massage
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Hot stone massage is a specialty massage that uses smooth, heated stones. They are often basalt, a black volcanic rock that absorbs and retains heat well, but they can be other types. The heat is both deeply relaxing and helps tight muscles release. Watch a video of a hot stone massage.
What Happens During a Hot Stone Massage?
- Before you arrive, the massage therapist sanitizes the stones (very important!) and heats them in 120 to 150 degree water.
- During the massage, the therapist warms up the body with traditional Swedish massage, then massages you while holding a heated stone. As the stone cools, the therapist replaces it with another.
- The therapist might also leave heated stones in specific points along your spine, in the palms of your hand, on your belly, or even between your toes to improve the flow of energy in your body.
- If you have inflammation or muscle injury, cold stones are sometimes used.
How Much Does a Hot Stone Massage Cost?
A hot stone massage is more expensive than a basic Swedish massage because it requires more preparation and clean-up and usually runs longer. A typical hot stone massage is $125-$150, but the price can go higher.
What You Need To Know About Hot Stone Massage:
- The therapist uses many stones of various shapes and sizes.
- The heat of the stones helps muscles release more quickly than in traditional massage.
- You should speak up if the stones are too warm or the pressure too intense.
- Technique is very important. Less experienced practitioners sometimes use too much pressure.
- Small local day spas might have less experienced therapists. If you have any doubts, ask where the therapist learned hot stone massage, and how long she has done it.
- Hot stones warmed by fire were used by Native Americans to feel better, but Mary Nelson, a native of Tucson, Arizona, is generally credited with its revival. She trademarked her style, called LaStone Therapy. Most spas offer their own versions of hot stone massage.
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Monday, May 23, 2011
Touch Therapy Mallorca - Erotic Massage for men
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Your erotic massage therapist starts by relaxing and connecting with you while sensually charged music plays softly in the background. You will find her breathing will become synchronized with yours.
She will have you lie face down, naked, on the massage table. Your erotic massage therapist will perform a relaxing massage on the back, neck, and legs. She uses our basic therapeutic principles of relaxing massage. She always keeps her hands in contact with your body, never breaking the connection of energy passing between you. This is never rushed, taking her time, being rhythmic yet sensitive, and proceeding from long gliding strokes to deeper ones.
After relaxing you she will gently start stroking you. She will begin by standing at the top by your head and bending over and gently stoking your back from the bottom to the top. You will feel the gentle caress of her breast and nipples on your neck and back as she does this. Next you will feel her glide down your body to your feet where she will sit on the table on her knees between your legs. Your erotic massage therapist will now start long gentle gliding strokes from your arms over your shoulders, down your sides and along your buttocks, all the while you will feel her body brushing yours. She will continue these strokes down the backs of your legs to your feet and back up the sides of your legs. Remember none of this is ever rushed.
She will now have you turn over and she will start long gliding strokes from your shoulders down over your abdomen onto your legs, you will again feel the erotic charge of her body caressing and teasing yours. This is never hurried, and as you feel her glide from one part of your body to another you will feel her body brush over your genitals, teasing them. This teasing process, is drawn out by brushing the inner thighs, near the genitals, very lightly touching the pubic region. At this point the erotic energy is building, making it a natural time to start shifting the focus to the sex centres of your body.
While sitting between your legs with your legs over hers, she will cradle your genitals allowing the erotic energy to pass between you and her. The rest of your erotic massage will now focus on the genitals, with periodic sweeps up and down your body to spread, balance, energy, and integrate the sensations. Your therapist is very skilled in reading your energy and arousal levels, she will smoothly and gradually build up from relaxing strokes to more arousing and sexual erotic stroking.
Your erotic massage therapist will start your genital massage using a "Healing Stroke" With the penis resting on your belly, she then cups your testicles with one hand. The heel of the palm of the other hand glides up and down the underside of the penis all the way to the tip and back to the base. There are many techniques she will use and of course it is up to you to communicate what feels best. Also it is important to note that it is not necessary to have an erection to enjoy this erotic experience.
The genital massage is never rushed. Your erotic massage therapist will slow down, stop, or change what she is doing just before ejaculation becomes inevitable. This repeated "peaking" process will help you learn to have multiple orgasms without ejaculating. Although delaying ejaculation during the course of the erotic massage is desirable from the perspective of maximizing pleasure, many do like to finish the erotic massage with one. This is perfectly acceptable. Ejaculation provides a considerable spark of pleasure.
At the end of the erotic massage a warm towel is placed over you. This is a time of profound peace and contentment to let the amazing whole body experience languor while you relax and enjoy the sensuous music.
Please note our erotic massages are normally performed by female therapist. If you desire a male therapist please let us know in advance.
If you would like to have your wife or partner present during erotic massage this is perfectly acceptable as well as encouraged.
It is recommended you have a warm shower before and after your massage.
It is very important for you to understand that the therapist provides no other services other than what has been outlined above. Please, don't ask or insist or you will be asked to leave.
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Sunday, May 22, 2011
What is Infant massage
Infant massage has been practiced by other cultures for centuries. Vimala Schneider McClure brought this ancient art to the United States in the 1970's, after she observed the positive effect it had on infants in India. She practiced the Indian massage strokes on her own baby and observed its benefits first hand. Ms. McClure is the founder of the International Association of Infant Massage, and the author of "Infant Massage, a Handbook for Loving Parents". Swedish strokes, reflexology, and yoga along with the Indian massage strokes, make up the curriculum for teaching parents the art of infant massage.
What are the benefits of infant massage?
- Relaxes Infant
Loving touch lessens tension, fussiness and irritability. Digestion is aided and this can provide relief of gas and colic. Massage is also a wonderful way to lessen stress parent and baby. - Enhances Bonding
Touch conveys nurturing and love, the essential ingredients for emotional and physical growth and well being. - Aids Growth and Development
Studies have shown increased weight gain, and immune function. Myelination of nerves is also increased. These things in turn are needed for brain and muscle development. - Promotes Communication
Parents become more aware of baby's nonverbal cues. One-on-one communication instills a massage of love and security. - Improves Baby's Sleep
As your infant learns to relax and release stress, sounder and longer sleep is often the end result.
Research specific to the benefits of infant massage has been ongoing since the mid 1970's. This research has been conducted at various institutes and with infants who were premature, exposed to drugs in utero, and infants that had motor problems. All these categories of babies benefited from the nurturing touch of infant massage. These benefits included weight gain, neurological development, decreased hospitalization, and improved digestion.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Ayurvedic Massages Kerala - medical care
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Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of India, which originated there over 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda emphasizes re-establishing balance in the body through diet, lifestyle, exercise, and body cleansing, and on the health of the mind, body, and spirit.(Devanatari : the 'science of life') is a system oftraditional medicine native toIndia, and practiced in other parts of the world as a form ofalternative medicine.InSanskrit, the word Ayurveda comprises the words ayu, meaning 'life' and veda, meaning 'sacredbooks'.Widely regarded as the oldest form of healthcare in the world, Ayurveda is an intricate medical system that originated in India thousands of years ago. The fundamentals of Ayurveda can be found in Hindu scriptures called the Vedas — the ancient Indian books of wisdom. The Rig Veda, which was written over 6,000 years ago, contains a series of prescriptions that can help humans overcome various ailments.Ayurveda is the knowledge that indicates the appropriate and inappropriate, happy and sorrowful condition of living, what is auspicious or inauspicious for longevity, as well as the measure of life itself.
Ayurveda is based on the premise that the universe is made up of five elements: air, fire, water, earth and ether. These elements are represented in humans by three "doshas", or energies: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When any of the doshas accumulate in the body beyond the desirable limit, the body loses its balance. Every individual has a distinct balance, and our health and well-being depend on getting a right balance of the three doshas ("tridoshas"). Ayurveda suggests specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to help individuals reduce the excess dosha.
A healthy person, as defined in Sushrut Samhita, one of the primary works on Ayurveda, is "he whose doshas are in balance, appetite is good, all tissues of the body and all natural urges are functioning properly, and whose mind, body and spirit are cheerful..."
What is 'Tridosha' or the Theory of Bio-energies?:
The three doshas, or bio-energies found in our body are:
Vata pertains to air and ether elements. This energy is generally seen as the force, which directs nerve impulses, circulation, respiration, and elimination.
Kapha pertains to water and earth elements. Kapha is responsible for growth and protection. The mucousal lining of the stomach, and the cerebral-spinal fluid that protects the brain and spinal column are examples of kapha.
Pitta pertains to fire and water elements. This dosha governs metabolism, e.g., the transformation of foods into nutrients. Pitta is also responsible for metabolism in the organ and tissue systems.
More than simply medical care,Ayurveda offers a philosophy whereby one may prevent unnecessary suffering and live a long, healthy life. The aim of this system is to prevent illness, heal the sick and preserve life.
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Monday, May 16, 2011
Kerala Ayurveda Massage treatments
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Ayurveda’s Mantra of Rejuvenation
From time immemorial, mankind has sought health and youth in its quest for immortality. Tireless effort and ceaseless thought, across vast spectra of time and space have been devoted to this pursuit. The great seers of ancient India have enriched the world with two impressive legacies, Ayurveda and Yoga, which have made significant to the art of healing and rejuvenation.
Ayurveda, the science of life and longevity epitomizes blending of the body, mind and spirit of the individual with the cosmos. According to Hindu mythology Brahma, the cosmic Creator composed Ayurveda in a hundred thousand verses and presented it to humanity.
This ancient therapy, which is as old as the civilization that treasured it and which it nurtured, continues to flourish in the land south of the Himalayas. In a region rich in biodiversity, this herbal therapy has stood the test of time and proven itself nature’s panacea for all ailments of body and mind.
Principles of Ayurvedic pharmacology
The principles of Ayurvedic Pharmacology are fundamentally different from those of other systems of medicine, especially Allopathy. Most Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from herbs.
Leaves and Flowers are squeezed to obtain their juice. Roots and seeds are crushed and boiled in water to get their essence. To make a decoction, the extracts of plants are boiled with other vital ingredients. Ayurvedic medicines are invariably prepared under the supervision of an expert physician using classical herbal prescriptions. Unlike other medicinal systems, this pharmacological process closely resembles the culinary art.
Ayurveda, as the art of healing and the science of living, aims at removing the underlying causes of disease, and restoring the equilibrium of the bioenergies,’vata’, ’pitta’ and ‘kapha’.
Composition of the human body
The human body is composed of ‘doshas’,’dhatus’ and ‘malas’.
Doshas (Somatic Humours)
A ‘Dosha’ is a humour and regulates the human body. Vata, Pitta and kapha, the three somatic humours, are called ‘tridoshas’ because of their predisposition to vitiation for a variety of reasons ‘Dosha’ connotes fault or error. These humours, which originate from the Pancha Maha Bhutas (five great elements) regulate all the functions of the human body. The concept of Pancha Maha Bhutas derives from the Indian philosophy of the evolution of the physical world.
Though they pervade the whole system, each humour tends to dominate a particular part of the body. The Vata is responsible for the lower part, the Pitta for the middle portion and the kapha for the upper part.
When in equilibrium, the Vata, Pitta and Kapha are called ‘dhatus’. An accumulation of amam (toxins) in the system vitiates them. An excess or deficiency in any of the doshas disrupts its equilibrium.
Dhatus (Body tissues)
The word ‘Dhatus’ can also be used to mean ‘body tissue’. When used in this sense there are seven and these are called ‘Saptadhatus’. These body tissues are formed from and nourished by the ‘Aahara rasa’, which is the essence of food. Rasa (plasma), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (fat), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow) and Shukra (semen/ova) are the seven kinds of Dhatus. Each dhatu is believed to be a metabolic refinement of the previous one.
Malas (wastes)
Purisha (faeces), Mutra (urine) and Sweda (sweat) are the three Malas.
Amam and the imbalance of Tridoshas (three humours)
In Ayuveda, the Sanskrit word ‘amam’ denotes internal toxins that cause disease. Amam results from improper metabolic functioning, which causes the system to absorb micro-molecules of undigested food. It is greasy and mucous in nature and blocks various tiny body channels (srotas). Its accumulation causes imbalance among the three humours (tridoshas), which ultimately leads to various diseases.
Two different schools
According to one school of thought, Panchakarma refers to Nasya (nasal therapy), Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purging) and two kinds of vasti (therapeautic enema)nirooha Vasti and Sneha vasti
Herbal decoctions are used for Nirooha Vasti and herbal oils for Sneha Vasti. The other school, that regards rakta (blood) also as a dosha (humour), the vitiation of which can cause diseases advocates Raktamokshana (blood letting) as the fifth in the Panchakarma treatments. So the five therapies are Nasya, Vamana, Virechana, Vasti and Raktamokshana. As bloodletting involves surgical venesection, it is no longer popular. Leeching, how ever, is still practised.
The Three stages of Panchakarma therapy
Panchakarma or the shodhana therapy is always performed in three stages- purva karma (pretreatment), Pradhana karma (primary treatment) and paschat karma (post treatment. The patient who intends to under go anyone of the five therapies has invariably to undergo all the three stages.
Snehama (oleation/oiltherapy) and Swedana (sudation) are the two Purva karma procedures. Snehama (internal oleation and external oleation) loosens the amam stuck in various sites of the body and Swedana dilates the channels to facilitate its movement towards the koshta (alimentary canal). The amam that reaches the koshta is eliminated during the pradhanakarma (primary treatment).
Diet regimens, restricted bodily exertion and the intake of health promoting drugs etc come under the Paschatkarma (post treatment)
Disease management in Ayurveda
Shamana and Shodhana are the two concepts of disease management in Ayurveda. Shamana means alleviation and Shamana methods mitigate the disease and its symptoms. Shodhana means elimination and Shodhana methods aim at the elimination of the basic cause of disease.
Panchakarma and Rejuvenation
The word ‘panchakarma’ means ‘five actions’. This is a five –pronged method of treatment designed for Shodhana, the expulsion of disease causing toxins (amam). Panchakarma is intended not only for the elimination of toxins but also for the replenishment of the tissues. Often tonics are prescribed after Panchakarma to rebuild and rejuvenate the patient.
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Sunday, May 15, 2011
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Thursday, May 12, 2011
Sports Massage
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What is Sports Massage?
Sports Massage is a special form of massage and is typically used before, during, and after athletic events. The purpose of the massage is to prepare the athlete for peak performance, to drain away fatigue, to relieve swelling, to reduce muscle tension, to promote flexibility and to prevent injuries.
Purpose of Sports Massage
The main purpose of sports massage therapy is to help alleviate the stress and tension which builds up in the body’s soft tissues during physical activity. Where minor injuries and lesions occur, due to overexertion and/or overuse, massage can break them down quickly and effectively. The massage will help prepare the athlete for peak performance, to drain away fatigue, to relieve swelling, to reduce muscle tension, to promote flexibility and to prevent injuries. Sports massage can help prevent those niggling injuries that so often get in the way of performance and achievement, whether a person is an athlete or a once a week jogger.
Types of Techniques
Depending on the needs of the athlete, a variety of techniques are used. The technique often involves a blend of traditional Swedish Massage and Shiatsu specifically designed to treat professional athletes.
Each type of sport has different demands on the players. Each sport uses muscle groups in a different way. Sports massage is designed to address those specific concerns and may differ according to the sport the athlete plays. Sports massage can be aimed to help heal strained muscles and allow healthy ones to reach peak performance and maintain it while minimizing the risk of injury.
Benefits of Sports Massage
Sports massage has many benefits. In addition to FEELING GOOD, sports massage reduces the heart rate and blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph flow, reduces muscle tension, improves flexibility, and relieves pain. Each sport and athletic event uses muscle groups in a different way.
Sports Massage can also include pre-event, post-event and maintenance techniques that promote greater athletic endurance and performance, lessen chances of injury and reduce recovery time.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Oncology Massage Therapy
Oncology Massage Therapy Explained
Oncology Massage Therapy can appreciably enhance your healing process if you have been diagnosed with cancer. Whether you are currently receiving treatment, are in the decision process about what your treatment will be, or have recently completed treatment for cancer, an oncology massage can help build your health and restore your relationship with your body.
What is Oncology Massage?
/At its most basic, oncology massage is bodywork that is designed specific to the needs of people who are dealing with cancer and/or its treatments. The main focus is to enhance healing while “doing no harm” to people whose bodies are:
- dealing with lowered immune systems,
- at risk for developing lymphedema
- stressed by radiation and/or chemotherapy treatment(s), or recovering from surgery
Enhance Healing ~ Much more than a feel-good treat or relaxation technique, Oncology Massage Therapy can actually assist your body and spirit in their constant pursuit of restoring you to health. By integrating Western and Eastern modalities of bodywork in order to address the symptoms of both cancer treatments and the disease, Oncology Massage Therapy can help with:
- nausea,
- diarrhea,
- constipation,
- lack of appetite,
- insomnia,
- exhaustion,
- low blood counts,
- pain
and numerous other side effects from chemotherapy, radiation treatments and surgery.
This massage can also help:
- boost the immune system
- strengthen compromised body organs and systems,
- build up blood counts,
- lessen depression, and
- enhance feelings of well-being.
Oncology Massage Therapy incorporates Reflexology and Acupressure techniques to strengthen both the physical and the emotional. The foot has reflex zones (and nerve paths) to all the areas and organs of the body. By working the related region on the foot its related organ or body system can be balanced. For instance by working the liver zone on the foot, the actual liver (which may be working overtime to detox from chemotherapy drugs or radiation treatment) can be strengthened. Or perhaps a recent surgery precludes bodywork in the surgical area, that part of the body can be addressed with Reflexology on the foot. Acupressure, based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) system, works with points and meridians of energy to bring the body and emotions into balance. These two modalities are gentle, non-invasive techniques that assist in the restoration of health.
“Do No Harm” ~ respects the limits of a body that may already be stressed by the disease and its treatments. For instance, a client may be detoxing from chemotherapy, or may be recovering from radiation burns. An oncology massage will honor the body’s healing process by modulating pressure levels and the length of the massage so as not to re-traumatize the body with too much or too deep work.
At Risk for Lymphedema? One of the common tests and treatments for cancer is biopsy or removal of lymph nodes in the area of the cancer. Anyone who has ever had lymph nodes removed, tested, biopsied or radiated from the neck, armpit or groin is at risk for developing lymphedema. Because the lymph system has been compromised it no longer has the same capacity for transporting fluids through that area. This can cause back-up of fluid leading to swelling which may eventually become extreme and irreversible. This is lymphedema, which is a life-long risk, no matter how much time passes after the lymph node procedure.
Oncology Massage Therapy integrates safety protocols into all massages when lymph nodes have been compromised. Massage given by someone who does not know or utilize these protocols can actually cause lymphedema. For this reason, you should see only an experienced oncology massage therapist if you have had lymph nodes removed.
If you already have lymphedema you can still receive an oncology massage. We are trainined in manual lymphatic drainage. However, we may also want to refer you to a specialist who treats this condition if you are not already seeing someone for that.
How might an oncology massage be distinctive?
As most massages, it will be tailored to the individual client. However, several things may be different from a massage you might receive in a spa, for example.
- A detailed intake will be completed, including the kind of cancer you have (or had), your treatment history, your current treatment, any symptoms or side-effects you are experiencing, and any medical devices or lymph node involvement you might have.
- Light pressure and limited duration
- Any area of your body that has compromised lymph nodes will be honored with special techniques so as not to cause lymphedema
- Special (Ayurvedic) oils may be used for areas of pain or neuropathy. You may be given some of this to take and use at home between visits.
- Much of the massage time will be spent on the feet (Reflexology) and on the spine (Acupressure points)
- Acupressure will be used to address symptoms specific to you on this particular day (nausea, depression, pain where a port has just been removed).
- Depending on issues specific to your body, the position you lie in will be modified to accommodate any surgical or radiation sites or specific medical devices you might have. (Maybe you still have that port for chemotherapy infusions.)
- Hot stones may be used on critical immune boosting acupressure points.
- It may be suggested that you receive an oncology massage between 1 – 3 times per week while you are dealing with serious physical issues of the treatment. (See why this won’t cost you “an arm and a leg”.)
- If you have a blood disorder, or low blood counts, you may receive a gentle technique that addresses those.
Most importantly, you will be met with love, respect and a recognition of who you are and what your own healing process is.
Contemporary vs. historical viewpoints about massage and cancer
In the not-so-long-ago past, it was thought that massage was contraindicated for cancer patients; that it could cause metastasis. It was such a strongly held belief that some physicians and massage schools still promulgate this misinformation. On the contrary, massage has not been found to cause metastasis.
Can Massage cause Metastasis?
“ Although some sources have expressed concern that massage may cause a dislocation of cells from a site of cancer enabling a metastasis to be set up elsewhere in the body, there have been no controlled studies or other scientific evidence reported to support this theoretical possibility. …
“In summary, it is our belief that GENTLE, conscious massage is not only safe, but has many demonstrated beneficial effects (e.g., enhanced well-being, decreased anxiety, nausea and fatigue.) There is no data to suggest that it causes any harm to persons with cancer.”
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Norris Cotton Cancer Center
Many of the state-of-the-art cancer centers are including massage therapy as an integrated part of their programs to deal with the physical and emotional side effects from the illness and treatment procedures.
Physical Benefits
Massage is now recognized as a beneficial complementary therapy for people who are receiving traditional treatments for cancer (surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation). Not only does bodywork bring nurturing touch to those who have been poked and prodded in the typical diagnosis and treatments, it has actually been proven in scientific studies to be beneficial for patients who are being treated for cancer.
A 30-minute reflexology session showed a statistically significant decrease in anxiety in patients with breast cancer and lung cancer. Breast cancer patients also responded with a significant drop in pain levels.
In a study of bone marrow transplant patients, a 20-minute shoulder, head and face massage showed a reduction of anxiety, distress, fatigue, and nausea. It also showed a lowering of blood pressure in patients who received the massage versus those who did not.
Patients who were taught how to self-administer acupressure for nausea showed less intensity and experience of nausea the first ten days of the chemo cycle.
Patients who received a 15-30 minute massage from a nurse compared with those who had interaction with a nurse but without the massage, had improved sleep, less symptom distress, and lower anxiety and pain levels. (In the group that had nurse interaction rather than a nurse massage, anxiety improved but sleep deteriorated.)
Psychological Benefits
Massage brings a unique focus to the body of a cancer patient; one of nurturing attention. This is poles apart from the typical painful invasive medical procedures of cancer treatment. Cancer patients in treatment use words such as punctured, cut, poisoned or burned to describe how their bodies are being treated. They feel like they are seen only as their cancer or their cancer treatment. Their entire life turns out to be about eradicating the cancer. The medical treatments are anything but pleasant; so unlike a massage which nurtures, soothes, comforts and subtly heals that same body.
Clients report that the massage is the first time they’ve felt like being in their body since the cancer diagnosis. They say that it is the first time they have felt a positive procedure used in the healing strategy.
In addition to changing the focus of treatment to one of nurturing and healing, when a client chooses to receive an oncology massage, it gives them a sense of empowerment to be able to take control of the direction of their healing process.
This may be the most important time of your life. What you do now may affect the quality and health of the rest of your life. This is your time and you come first. Whether that is getting enough rest or saying no to too much stress, or receiving a nurturing massage, this is the time to take care of you.
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Monday, May 9, 2011
Foot Reflexology Massage: A Healing Touch
Ref. :
If only a gentle touch filled with love and care can make you feel relaxed, then imagine the ultimate effect that you will get from a professional massage.
According to the book The Touch of Love, Thai Massage (written by Sombat Tapanya), massage is an art of healing originated some 5,000 years ago. It was mentioned in an ancient Chinese medical textbook in the reign of Emperor Wendi (179-157 B.C.) of the Han Dynasty and in an Indian Ayuraveda Book that "Massage is a self-healing method."
Hippocrates (460-380 B.C.), who received an honour as "the father of medical study", stated that "a physician needs to specialize in several things but being an expert in massage is a must."
There are several kinds of massage and each has its unique benefits. However, this article will deal only with the area of foot reflexology massage. Click here to read the full story of "Thailand -- Paradise for Spa Lovers"
History of Foot Massage
The foot reflexology massage's history dates back to the reign of Emperor Wendi but its most flourishing period was in the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.). Later, the foot reflexology massage was spread into Japan. Yet, there were some specialists in China who did not pass their knowledge to others or did not make any written records. This resulted in the degeneration of this art of healing. Fortunately, the foot reflexology massage was brought to the Western countries when more and more Westerners started to get in touch with the Chinese around the late Manchu Dynasty (1643-1912 A.D.).
Reflective zones of the feet
Then in 1913, Dr. William Fitzgerald, an American doctor, wrote an article about foot reflexology massage. He developed a systematized chart of longitudinal zones in the body. The 10 zones, ending in the fingers and toes, illustrated reflex areas with their corresponding connections, as well as physical conditions influenced by the connection. Fitzgerald discovered that pressure on one part of a zone could affect other parts of the body within that zone. That's how this ancient modality was restored in the Western countries. And it was V. M. Bechterev, a Russian physiologist who coined the term "reflexology".
Afterwards, Fitzgerald's zone theory was further studied by Dr. Shelly Riley who added horizontal zones across the hands and feet to determine individual reflexes. After that, Eunice Ingham, a physical therapist and associate of Riley, refined the zone therapy into therapeutic foot reflexology through full scale researches with hundreds of clients. She made an anatomical model in which the organs of the body were mapped out on the feet. Her findings, published in 1938, resulted in more precise identification of reflex points and gave us the framework of foot reflexology as it is known today.
History of Foot Massage in Thailand
A La Loubere's Chronicle, written in the reign of King Narai (1656-1689) mentioned the popular use of massage in ancient Siam: "In Siam, when one fell ill, his or her cousins would have him or her massaged." Furthermore, it was said that King Chulalongkorn (Rama V, 1868-1910) was so fond of this method of rejuvenating that whenever he went out to visit his subjects in remote areas, at least one masseur was included in his entourage.
reflexology massage
Thus, the art of massage has been practised and developed for centuries in this country. And Thai foot reflexology massage* has been enhanced by comparison with other varieties such as Chinese massage, Korean massage and Japanese massage to bring out the supreme benefits of this modality. Nowadays, Wat Pho Thai Traditional Massage School is the centre of massage services and study in Thailand.
*A description of Thai massage was carved on stone tablets which were fixed on pillars and along the corridor of the ordination hall of Wat Pho by Rama III's command. These stone inscriptions are still in good condition today.
The Practice of Foot Reflexology Massage
Not all foot massage is reflexology, even though some non-reflex varieties can be a very rejuvenating experience, and help boost the energy circulation.
The genuine reflexology is the application of pressure onto particular areas of the soles of the feet. A reflex action in another part of the body is stimulated by the manipulation of each specific area. Unlike other massages that use thumbs, palms, hands, elbow, knee and foot, foot reflexology massage uses hands, fingers and a wood stick with cream and oil.
According to Chinese medicine, the sensory nerves of the internal organs that spread throughout the body are mainly gathered around the soles of the feet.
Therefore, the massage is effective in stimulating the functions of the internal organs. Another advantage of this therapy is that there is no risk. Expert masseurs will deal with the critical points on the feet with utmost care. The pain felt there will disappear when the masseur finishes the process.
The Benefits of Foot Reflexology Massage
- It can relieve pain and stiffness caused by too much exercising or using muscle for too long.
- It can help prevent and cure many symptoms such as headache, stress, asthma, constipation, sinusitis and migraine.
- The blood circulation system will be boosted.
- The body's function will be naturally turned into its homeostasis.
- The massage must be done with accuracy to avoid wrong reflection which will cause muscle infection.
- One should not receive a massage until at least one hour after a meal.
- After receiving a massage, one is required to drink water to eliminate toxin and lactic acids developed during the massage process.
- Pregnant women, menstruating women and people who are bleeding either internally and externally are not allowed to receive foot reflexology massage.
- Both masseur and client are prohibited from washing hair, hands, feet or taking a bath within one hour of foot reflexology massage in order to prevent the body's elements from the effect of coldness.
- Foot reflexology massage can be given every day but the total duration of both feet in a day should not exceed 45 minutes. However, only ten minutes is allowed for patients who used to suffer from heart attack.
Foreigners' Opinions on Thai Massage
As foot reflexology massage is a safe healing method full of benefits and is conveniently administered, the number of people interested in this field is increasing. The following are two foreigners' opinions on Thai massage:
Jana Oldag practising foot massage
Kerry Brooksbank, a 34 year-old English massage therapist told Thaiways that she took Thai massage course because she would like to apply the knowledge to her career. She added, "Thai massage is well known in England. It is stronger than other types of massage. But after completing the course, I will give a softer Thai massage to my clients as the English people prefer softer massage."
Jana Oldag, a 24 year-old German, unemployed, said that she heard the name of Thai massage for the first time from a friend of her father's. It interested her a lot. Ms. Oldag aimed to operate her own massage service in Germany but she needed a certificate to do so. That is why she enrolled in the Thai massage course.
As long as human beings are threatened by ailments and troubled by stress, the art of massage will certainly continue to exist and develop. If you would like to try massage, there are thousands of massage shops and spas around Bangkok and other tourist cities in Thailand offering services at reasonable fees. Three-to five-star-hotels in tourist cities usually provide their clients with spa and massage services.
• Note: Wat Pho, a tourist attraction famous for its Reclining Buddha, is located behind the Grand Palace on Sanamchai Road, Phra Nakhon District, Bangkok. See Map of Bangkok (A3).
• Special thanks to Khun Preeda Tangtrongchitr, Director of the Thai Traditional Massage School, Wat Pho, for giving Thaiways useful information and allowing us to take photographs.
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Sunday, May 8, 2011
How to Foot Massage
There's no better way to treat a friend or loved one than to give their sore feet a wonderful foot massage. Here's how to make that someone feel like they're in heaven!
- Soak your feet in warm water for about 10 minutes. You may wish to include drops of your favorite essential oil or bath salts. Peppermint or lavender oil is preferred by many. Make sure feet are completely dry before starting massage.
- Apply a moderate amount of cream or oil to hands to add to comfort and ease. Make sure hands are warm to avoid discomfort. Mineral oil is not absorbed in the skin, and it wipes off cleanly.
- Begin by stroking top of foot, between cords located on top of foot at instep. Move in the direction toe to ankle. Then, continue by stroking sole of foot, first more gently, then increase pressure.
- Make circular motions with your thumb and fingers over the sole of the foot, and use more pressure in areas such as the heel or ball of the foot. Start from the top and work your way down. Do not neglect the sides.
- Hold the foot with one hand, use the other hand to rotate the foot, first at the ankle, and then near the ball of the foot. Be gentle. Repeat about 5 times in each direction.
- Knead the sole by holding the foot with one hand and making a fist with the other, using moderate pressure into the sole. Give enough attention to the arch.
- Begin with the big toe and working towards the pinky toe, take each toe individually. Roll the toe between your thumb and forefinger as you slide your fingers down the toe to the end, applying gentle pressure. Gently squeeze the end of each toe.
- Take your index finger and slide it between each toe about 5 times. To complete the massage, use your thumb and fingers to make the circular motions once again over the sole. End by stroking the sole and instep.
- Wipe off any excess cream or oil with a soft towel. Slip into thick socks to retain moisturizing, or slippers will suffice as well.
- Try to give equal attention to both feet, as the body abhors asymmetry.
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011
JAV - Maria Eriyori マリア・エリヨリ - First Gravure 初脱ぎ娘
マリア・エリヨリ(1990年11月23日 - )は、日本のAV女優。ティーパワーズ所属
AVデビューのきっかけは、これまで大きな夢が持てず、AV出演の誘いを受けた事で何か1つ成し遂げたいと思ったからである。2010年9月にマックス・エーより『New Comer 純真美少女』でAVデビューを果たす。デビューに当たって、「柚木ティナ(現・Rio)の再来」というキャッチコピーが与えられた[2]。本名でのデビューを最終的に決めたのは彼女自身だから、それを提案したのは所属事務所の社長だった。
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Monday, May 2, 2011
Testicle massage
Regularly massaging testicle helping you find any abnormalities early. Gently massaging genital keeping blood flow increased.
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