- Age 23
- Height 165cm
- Language Chinese/English[good]
- Happy Ending
- Blowjob
- Full service
- Over night
Myomassology is an integration of techniques including basic Swedish massager, aromatherapy, reflexology, shiatsu, energy balancing, and craniosacral therapy along with other modalities in conjunction with instruction in nutrition, meditation and yoga. The term Myomassology was coined by Irene Gauthier to describe her combined work of Swedish massager, craniosacral therapy, reflexology and body mechanics.
Medical massager
Massage used in the medical field includes decongestive therapy used for lymphedema which can be used in conjunction with the treatment of breast cancer. Light massager is also used in pain management and palliative care. Carotid sinus massager is used to diagnose carotid sinus syncope and is sometimes useful for differentiating supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) from ventricular tachycardia. It, like the valsalva maneuver, is a therapy for SVT. However, it is less effective than management of SVT with medications.
Lomi Lomi and indigenous massager of Oceania
Main article: Lomi Lomi
Lomilomi is the traditional massager of Hawaii. As an indigenous practice, it varies by island and by family. The word lomilomi also is used for massager in Samoa and East Futuna. In Samoa, it is also known as lolomi and milimili. In East Futuna, it is also called milimili, fakasolosolo, amoamo, lusilusi, kinikini, faiua. The Mori call it roromi and mirimiri. In Tonga massager is fotofota, tolotolo, and amoamo. In Tahiti it is rumirumi. On Nanumea in Tuvalu, massager is known as popo, pressure application is kukumi, and heat application is tutu. Massage has also been documented in Tikopia in the Solomon Islands, in Rarotonga and in Pukapuka in Western Samoa.
Massage in Tarifa, Spain.
Main article: Hoffman Massage
Hoffman massager is a system of intuitive massager and bodywork developed by Bronson Bertschinger. The main idea behind the Hoffman system of massager and bodywork is based on the belief that humans are very complex and consist of material, emotional, subtle and spiritual energy and that humans are too complex to fit into a routine style of treatment that many massager schools and styles teach. Hoffman massager uses techniques that are aimed to affect and balance many systems of the body in the treatment. Techniques vary from deep touch to very subtle energetic healing.
Ref. : http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/The-Magic-Of-Hilot--Massager/1150952
Main article: Hilot
is a traditional healing technique from the Philippines that also includes massager techniques. The massager techniques relax stressed muscles. Hilot also includes joint manipulations to help relax stressed muscles.
Hilot encompasses a wide variety of techniques beyond the treatment of stressed muscles. Hilot is used to reset dislocated or sprained joints, diagnose and treat musculoligamentous and musculoskeletal ailments, and even to aid in giving birth and to induce abortion.
Lymphatic drainage massage is a therapeutic massage treatment. The massage uses very light pressure and long, gentle, rhythmic strokes to increase lymphatic flow, with the aim of getting rid of toxins in your body.
The lymph system is part of your body's immune system; lymph helps fight infection and acts as a toxin filter. There are around twice as many lymph vessels as blood vessels in your body. However, unlike blood, which is pumped around your body by your heart, the lymph system has no pump. Lymph relies on the pressure from your blood vessels and movement from your muscles to carry white blood cells and antibodies around the lymph system.
Lymph itself is a clear, slightly yellow fluid which flows easily through your body. It transports nutrients and oxygen to cells, collecting toxins on the way and then flushing the toxins out through the lymph nodes.
Drinking alcohol, eating too much sugar, drinking too much tea and coffee, living stressed lives in polluted cities -- there are many reasons these days why our bodies are full of toxins.
Lymphatic drainage massage can have a beneficial effect on your general health. Because lymph is key to keeping your immune system working properly, improving the flow and drainage of lymph around the body is good for you in lots of ways. It can:
Manual lymphatic drainage is also used in the treatment of lymphoedema.
Lymphatic drainage massage can improve your skin texture by:
Before you go
As with any spa treatment, you will get most benefit if you give yourself enough time to truly relax and enjoy your massage. Arrive soon enough to get ready and settle; try to avoid rushing off for an appointment straight afterwards. It's also a good idea to give yourself plenty of time either side of the massage, so that you don't feel rushed.
You should always tell your therapist in advance if you:
Before any massage treatment, try not to schedule in a large meal or some alcohol. It's also a good idea to drink plenty of water, which will help your body to flush out the toxins from your body.
Lymphatic drainage massage usually takes place in a heated room; warmth is an important factor in increasing lymphatic flow. You are also likely to be more relaxed if you're not cold. Your therapist will usually carry out lymphatic drainage massage with you on a massage table, while you're draped in discreetly placed towels.
Your therapist will probably work her way up from your feet. Lymphatic drainage massage uses very light pressure, as well as long, gentle, rhythmic strokes and soft pumping movements in the direction of the lymph nodes. The main lymph nodes are in the neck, armpits, and groin.
A treatment usually lasts around 30 minutes for a localised session, or about an hour for a full-body treatment.
Hot tip!
Lymphatic drainage is about flushing out your system; you can do this every day by drinking plenty of water and staying active.
One of the best things you can do for your lymphatic system is to be more active. Even the most gentle activity will help encourage a healthy lymph flow, as movement of the muscles exerts pressure on the lymphatic vessels and keeps them moving.
Lymphatic drainage can leave you feeling exhausted. You may want to have a lie down, or at the very least, a very undemanding schedule for the rest of the day. You might like to treat yourself to a gentle swim or a sauna afterwards. Give your body time to ease back into activity.
Lymphatic drainage massage may also leave you really thirsty. We've seen people who are not usually water-drinkers reaching for bottles of San Pellegrino like it's free champagne!
Ref. : http://www.romantic-lyrics.com/sensual.shtml
The combination of scent and touch is extremely effective in opening up intimacy between two people. That's basically how we communicate love in an effective way, a way that doesn't involve having to discuss the subject a great deal. It also works wonderfully on a basic physical level. There are a lot of nerve endings that follow along the path of the spine. As you massage, your touch brings the blood to the surface, you speed the absorption of the oils into the skin, and you also bring up the level of oxytocin, the hormone needed in high levels for the process of sexual arousal.
Massage is an especially good thing for men to focus on. Women often need the kind of attention it gives them o feel comfortable with proceeding on to more intimate activities. The nurturing, caring-for aspect of romance is extremely important between two people. You will have more interesting and intense erotic experiences if you're involved on all levels with each other. And touch and scent are the best ways of really opening some of those deeper levels.
A backrub is something that everyone can relate to positively and that's a good place to start. Using oils will make it quite a different, and far more exciting, experience.
Begin the massage with a small amount of your chosen aromatherapy oil, just a teaspoon or so. Rub the oil in the palms of your hands to warm it up before it touches your partner's skin. Cold oil poured on a back will quickly produce about twice as much tension as was there before you started!
There are certain basic message techniques designed to relieve tension, that are very effective. Tension tends to accumulate in the neck, shoulders and upper back in women, and in the lower back and buttocks in men. The really important thing is not how you do the massage. The idea is not to become an expert masseuse or masseur. This is a seduction ritual! Be creative and playful.
The Welcoming Press: With your lover lying face down, straddle him or her or kneel at their side. Gently press down on your partner's shoulders, and on either side of the spine. Do not press directly on the spin at any time during the massage. This stroke gives your partner a few moments to get used to the feeling of your hands on their skin.
The Back Warmer: Now begin to warm your lover's back. With a flat hand, fingers together, palm in contact with the skin, move the hands in parallel lines up either side of the spine, then out and across the shoulders, and down the sides of the torso.
Kneading: Working as deeply as is comfortable for your partner, use your fingers to knead the muscles of the back, starting with the neck and shoulders and working your way down. Go slowly and use additional oil as necessary.
Raking: Spread your fingers and, keeping them somewhat stiff, rake them down the back from shoulders to buttocks. This releases deep, underlying tissue tensions.
Lower Back: The lower back and sacrum (the downward-pointing triangle located between the buttocks at the end of the spine) can become congested and tender, especially in premenstrual women. Lightly massage this area with small, circular strokes on buttocks, hips and upper thighs. With a man, use lower back spirals. Starting at the top of the crack between the buttocks use your thumbs to make small spirals upwards along either side of the tailbone to the top of the sacrum, then press your thumbs along the top of the hips and move them out, across and down the side of the body to the floor. Repeat several times.
Buttocks: Try "Thumbs over the Mountain." Starting at the bottom, press your thumbs firmly into the flesh of the buttocks and follow the curve up, around, and down the side of the hips. This can be a tender and sensitive area, so use only as much pressure as your lover can comfortably tolerate. Return to the first position and move your thumbs apart slightly to describe a second curved line that is parallel to and outside the first, continuing until you have no curve left to follow. Repeat several times.
Thighs: Once you get to your lover's thighs, you may find yourself getting distracted and decide to shift your focus to other kinds of touching. Or you may want to try out some massage strokes of your own design. Or you can ask your partner to turn over and continue the massage with a few more strokes to the front of the body.
Shoulder and Chest Presses: Kneeling behind your partner, as he or she is lying face up, press down on the shoulders and hold. Ask your partner to take a deep, releasing breath, and let the essential oils work their magic as you increase the pressure of your hands slightly. At the end of the exhalation, release. Slide your hands up and over your lover's collar bone and press very gently. Have them take a deep breath as you hold, then release. Now move your hands to the center of the chest, (between a woman's breasts) and, laying one hand on top of the other, press very gently. Have your partner take a deep breath and release.
Sexual Energy Release Points, Neck and Ears: Encourage your lover to breathe in a deep and relaxing manner as you gently massage their neck, making small circles over the release points on the upper neck and about halfway up the ears. If the massage is a prelude to lovemaking, now is a really good time to let the kissing begin. Remember, too, that a woman's breasts are highly charged with erotic energy and can create a dramatic arousal response when massaged or caressed.
Improvise! Well, you're on your own from here. Relax, improvise and be creative, you'll do just fine!
What is a Swedish Massage?
The term "Swedish Massage" refers to a variety of techniques specifically designed to relax muscles by applying pressure to them against deeper muscles and bones, and rubbing in the same direction as the flow of blood returning to the heart.
Swedish massage was developed in the 1700's by a Swedish doctor named Per Henrik Ling.
Purpose of Swedish Massage
The main purpose of Swedish massage is to increase the oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from the muscles.
Swedish massage shortens recovery time from muscular strain by flushing the tissues of lactic acid, uric acid, and other metabolic wastes. It increases circulation without increasing heart load. It stretches the ligaments and tendons keeping them supple and pliable. Swedish massage also stimulates the skin and nervous system and soothes the nerves themselves at the same time. It reduces stress, both emotional and physical, and is suggested in a regular program for stress management. It also has many specific medical uses.
Swedish Massage Techniques
Swedish massage techniques include: long strokes, kneading, friction, tapping, percussion, vibration, effleurage, and shaking motions. The usually sequence of techniques are:
Effleurage: Gliding strokes with the palms, thumbs and/or fingertips
Petrissage: Kneading movements with the hands, thumbs and/or fingers
Friction: Circular pressures with the palms of hands, thumbs and/or fingers
Vibration: Oscillatory movements that shake or vibrate the body
Percussion: Brisk hacking or tapping
Passive and active movements: Bending and stretching
Benefits of Swedish Massage
Swedish massage feels good, is relaxing and invigorating. It affects the nerves, muscles, glands, and circulation, while promoting health and well being.
A stiff neck can be caused by anything from stress or sitting in a draught, to sleeping in an odd position or watching too many games of tennis. It is, literally, a complete pain in the neck and it makes the simplest task, such as reversing into a car parking space, a slow and excruciating torture. It also makes you realize how many times you move your head in a normal day. If you have children, you soon discover how much easier it is to nod a 'Yes' than it is to shake a 'No'!
A stiff neck is also one of the simplest ailments to cure and two things help tremendously heat and massage. So the best kind of neck massage uses lots of simple movements with plenty of warming repetitions, plus some deep kneading strokes to relax and release any areas with trapped nerves or muscle tension. This one not only does that, but it is also so simple that you can do it anywhere. As it is done with the sufferer sitting upright, you can even massage someone at work, while she leans forward onto her desk, fully clothed.
It brings instant relief, but stiff neck muscles do have a nasty habit of coming back during the night, so it is best to have a long soak in a warm, deep bath as soon after the massage (and before bed) as possible. Alternatively, at the end of the massage, rub a product containing menthol up the sides of the neck so that it warms the skin and muscles for some time afterwards.
How To Massage A Stiff Neck
The best position for this massage is for the sufferer to be seated on a comfortable, upright chair. For steps one to four, she should lean forward onto a cushion resting on a table, or sit facing the back of the chair and prop the cushion between her and the chair back. If possible, she should wear a towel and you should use lots of oil so that your hands really slip over the sore neck muscles. If the sufferer needs to be fully clothed, keep your movements light over any tender areas.
Ref. : http://www.massage-therapy-benefits.net/bamboo-massage.html#ixzz1Uscx4VgK
Bamboo massage therapy is increasing in popularity. Given most often in spas in the West, this type of massage therapy is soothing while being quite deep. During the session the therapist uses bamboo tools to perform the massage.
Bamboo is a sturdy versatile plant that is found in abundance throughout Asia. It can be used to make clothe and even used to build houses. The plant has traditional significance in many countries. It symbolizes strength of character, resilience, flexibility, honesty, and simplicity.
This type of massage originates in Malaysia, but combines elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tibetan bodywork and Polynesian styles.
During the therapy you will lay on a massage table. The therapist uses large amounts of massage oil to allow the bamboo to glide evenly over the skin. The bamboo tools are warmed to help them warm your muscle tissue making it easier for the therapist to massage you more deeply.
The tools vary and size and shape so they can easily be used to massage all areas of your body. Longer sticks of various widths are used for gliding strokes. Smaller tools can be used for more detailed work.
The bamboo helps the therapist give you a deep massage. She only has to use a minimal amount of physical exertion to penetrate deep underlying layers of tissue.
This type of massage can be used to treat a variety of chronic pain conditions, including back pain and headaches.
Next time you notice bamboo massage offered on a spa brochure, try it. You may decide to make this soothing deep tissue therapy part of your regular health routine.
Ref. : http://www.londonrelaxmassage.co.uk/massage/ma-uri-massage.html
Ma-uri massage - the name comes from the Polynesian system of healing used in New Zealand by Tohunów-Maori experts healing arts massage, ritual and life in harmony with nature. Ma-uri in Maori means "descendants of the White Light and refers to the legend of their arrival on Earth from a distant galaxy Pleiad it es.
Massage is a very effective therapy,where elements of the ancient knowledge of healing has been tailored to the needs of modern man. Through specific massage of the whole body, using the power of dance and Polynesian music masseur becomes a "tool" for introducing a massaged person o nto the way of personal transformation - positive changes leading to improved health, relationships with other people, the environment and self. The massage uses a specially selected music that introduces rhythm, energy and unusual flair in the work with a massaged person. The client's body is treated with the highest respect as a "temple of spirit".
This approach is felt be a client during the entire therapy in each touch,when putting hands or feet away, manipulating with a towel (only the actually massaged body part is uncovered).
Pleasant, smooth, soft and natural touch used in massage gives the massaged person time and space for himself, opens the possibility of establishing lost contact with his interior and restore the proper flow of energy through the body.
Ref : http://portjefferson.patch.com/articles/crime-report-masseuse-massages-without-license
Suffolk County Police Department Sixth Precinct reported these incidental arrests in Port Jefferson and Port Jefferson Station during July 11-18:
James G Divilio II, 19, of St. James was arrested July 18 in Port Jefferson Station and charged with fifth degree criminal possession of marijuana. Reports indicate Divilio was arrested southbound Route 347 at Terryville Rd., Port Jefferson Station for the alleged possession of marijuana in a 2006 Infiniti.
Julian Urena, Jr., 18, of Port Jefferson Station was arrested July 15 in Port Jefferson Station and charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Reports indicate Urena was arrested for the alleged possession of marijuana in an unknown car on Kool Place, Port Jefferson Station.
Joseph Feldman, 53, of Selden was arrested July 14 in Port Jefferson Station and charged with first degree drug impairment while operating a motor vehicle. Reports indicate Feldman was arrested on Jane Boulevard, Port Jefferson Station for the alleged operation of a 1985 Chevy Trail Blazer while impaired by drugs.
Guo Fang XU, 55, of Flushing was arrested July 14 in Port Jefferson Station and charged with unlawful practice of profession. Reports indicate Xu was arrested for allegedly giving massages without a massage therapist license.
Steven Froehlich, 37, of Port Jefferson Station was arrested July 13 in Selden and charged with first degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. Reports indicate Froehlich was arrested at North Bicylce Path and Monarch Ave., Selden for allegedly operating a motor vehicle without a driver’s license.
Ref. : http://www.ehow.com/way_5387789_self-prostate-massage-techniques.html
According to the Mayo Clinic, doctors have used prostate massage for years to relieve the symptoms of prostatitis. Some men also use prostate massage as a sexual technique to achieve prolonged and intense orgasms. There are several techniques for prostate massage, including internal and external massage and assisted massage--with a device. No matter what the reason or method, it's important to do the massage correctly to avoid injury or damage to the prostate.
Wash your hands before the massage, and trim your fingernails to avoid scratching the delicate rectal tissues. Void your bladder and bowels beforehand. During the massage, wear close-fitting rubber gloves and use a water-based lubricant. Rubber gloves are more sanitary and cause less friction than bare fingers. Lie in a position that is comfortable for you and allows easy access to your prostate. For some, lying prone with the knees drawn up works well. Other men have success working from a side-lying position, or on their knees. Insert your finger into your anus slowly, and allow the muscles to adjust. Do not rush the process, as this may cause discomfort. Locate the prostate by crooking your finger toward the front wall of the abdomen. The prostate should feel like a walnut-size ball. The center of the prostate is very sensitive, so massage only the sides of the organ. During the massage, you may experience an erection and even ejaculation--both responses are perfectly natural. Be sure to relax and breathe.
Many men are uncomfortable with the thought of internal prostate massage and may prefer the external method. As with the internal massage, wash your hands and trim your nails beforehand. You can access the prostate through the perineum, the strip of skin between the scrotum and anus. The prostate and the perineum are both very sensitive, so press gently and use the pads of your fingers, not the tips. There is a small "seam" that runs the length of the perineum. Use this as your guideline and move your fingers, back and forth, over the seam. If you feel pain or discomfort, decrease the pressure. You may experience an erection or ejaculation, both of which are normal responses.
There are prostate massage devices on the market. The nice thing about these devices is that many are hands-free--a great benefit for those who have trouble reaching their anus or perineum. The Aneros is an internal device that uses the sphincter muscles to massage the prostate. The Prostate Cradle is an external device that massages the perineum. Men have also used pencils and rounded drumsticks; however, these items are not designed to go inside the human body and may cause damage. If you are considering using an aid, use one that is specifically designed for prostate massage.
Ref. : http://www.sanatansociety.org/ayurvedic_massage/ayurvedic_massage_therapy.htm
While ayurvedic massage therapy does not generally provide a complete therapeutic cure, it does help the organism to receive nutrient material from within the body and to expel toxins. Certain ailments related to the muscles, ligaments and nervous system can be completely healed through good ayurvedic massage therapy. In diseases caused by deranged vata, massage therapy can also be the only remedy. In diseases caused by deranged pitta and kapha, ayurvedic massage therapy compliments other healing methods.
In ayurvedic massage therapy, the practisioner mostly works with the knowledge of the marmas or indian pressure points.
Ayurvedic massage therapy is an ideal remedy for pain. The figure below show parts of the head as they relate to other body parts and/or symptoms of diseases :
Ayurvedic massage therapy on these areas can at the least help the rest of the medical treatment to succeed.
Ayurvedic massage therapy can be a real cure in case of arthritis, rheumatism, neurasthenia, high or low blood pressure, sciatica, paralysis, polio and insomnia. In all these cases, the massage practisioner should however also prescribe specific medication, changes in daily habits, excercises, etc..
In ayurvedic massage, massage tables are rarely used. Instead of using a massage table, the massage practitioners create a massage mat, usually by placing a reed mat upon an indian-style futon, a cotton mattress. The massage mat made of reeds prevents oil from dripping upon the futon below. A massage cushion is also rarely used - the head is usually not supported. Massage chairs can be used for massages given in the sitting position (shoulders, arms, haed) in case patients are not comfortable in a cross-legged sitting position on the massage bed.
Haruka Ayase (綾瀬 はるか Ayase Haruka?), born in Hiroshima Prefecture, on March 24, 1985, is a Japanese actress.
In 1999, she successfully passed a Horipro audition. She first achieved widespread recognition for her starring roles in the short film Justice; in 2004 she rose to stardom as Aki in the TV series Crying Out Love, In the Center of the World.
On March 24, 2006 she released her first single, titled "Period" (ピリオド Periodo?), the lyrics of which were written by Kaori Mochida from Every Little Thing and Takeshi Kobayashi. Kobayashi, the producer of the single, also composed and arranged the music.
She has also released two photo books: Birth in 2001 and Heroine in 2004.
Personal life
Ayase excels in many sports. As a junior high school student she took part in a Chūgoku region Ekiden tournament. When she was a high school student in Hiroshima, she moved to Tokyo and entered Horikoshi High School. In 2003 she entered Teikyo University Junior College in 2003, and later dropped out.
I had been battling a cold off and on all winter. Like all mankind, I hate going to the doctor, so I decided to see what traditional Chinese massage could do for me.
With cupping, the practitioner uses various shaped cups that suction onto the back, drawing out the body’s toxins. The cups are left on for about twenty minutes. I was amazed to see that my upper back, shoulders and arms seemed to be where my cold – and stress – was centered. After a few days, the bruises were gone and admittedly, my cold seemed to lessen in degree, but not vanish entirely. Perhaps a few more trips to the spa are in order...
Placement of small jars or cups on the skin. A vacuum is created traditionally by inserting a burning cotton ball into the jar, waiting for it the flame to die – meaning all air is used up – an quickly placing it on the skin. Modern cups are equipped with a device where the therapist pumps the air out after the cup is placed on the back.
Cupping is used to cure the common cold, flu, stomach ailments and rheumatism.
The treatment is best when combined with a traditional Chinese or oil massage. After the body is relaxed, the cups are placed at different points along the shoulders, upper arms and down the back on either side of the spine.
When the cups are put on your back there is a tingly sensation as well as a general tightness as the skin is pulled into the vacuum created by the cup. After the first few seconds, there is virtually no pain at all and when the cups are released, there is a lovely relaxing sensation on the skin. Be warned, it looks much worse – anyone who sees your back will think you submitted yourself to some kind of Dark Ages torture. The circular bruising can be a bit tender where the stress points are, but the tenderness does not last and the bruises subside in a few days.
Traditional Chinese medical and massage clinics offer Cupping. Ask your hotel concierge where you might be able to have the treatment while you’re in China. Some hotel spas may even offer it.
Ref. : http://www.easyvigour.net.nz/backpain/h_BackMassage.htm
Lie the partner on their belly on a firm, comfortable surface (see diagrams below). Make sure you can reach their whole back without straining your own.
Warm the massage oil in your hands, and apply a modest amount (see tips, above ) with whole hand "effleurage" (definition - smooth rhythmic stroking): Use the whole surface of both hands (see diagram). Stroke reasonably firmly upwards from the lower back all the way up to the neck, then (gentler pressure), circle around and back to the lower back region (5 to 10 minutes).
There is a smaller area of contact, so the pressure is deeper. Both hands work in circles - start at the lower back. Move in a circle, first outward, then upward and return to the center. Gradually progress to the upper back (5 minutes).
(Smaller area of contact, so deeper again - see diagram). Stand on the opposite side to the one that you are working on. I suggest you stand on the right side first. Push with the flats of your fingers (one hand on top of the other) away from the center line, then glide back toward the spine. Start at the lower back, and work up to the upper back (five minutes).
Glide with deep sustained pressure up the full length of the "sausage shaped" muscles either side of the spine (see diagram). Back off the pressure a little as you cover the neck. Move slowly and deliberately, feeling for knots or sensitive spots as you glide from lower to upper back. Three times each side; alternate with a couple of minutes of effleurage (techniques one to three above), and repeat the stripping.
Firm deep movements either side of each spinous process. Start to the side of the lower spine and move upward. Apply 5 frictions at each spot - more if over a sore spot.
Apply firm downwards pressure (see diagram), and move the arm closest to the head up to just below the shoulder blades. 6 strokes. For the first stroke, be aware of the possibility of lower back pain
Let the patient's pain be your guide. Place your thumb over any tender spots or knots that your patient may have told you about or that you may have felt, and press firmly and with increasing pressure thus: Gradually increase the pressure until the pain is 6 or 7 on a scale of one to ten. Hold that pressure until the pain lowers to about 4/10 (takes about 5 seconds). Immediately (don't stop the pressure), increase again until the pain is 6 to 7 on the scale of 10, and again hold until the pain subsides to 4/10. Repeat step two. This is painful, but you can't do much harm to the patient - quite the reverse: muscle and back pain (upper or lower)may miraculously disappear. Your thumb is more likely to suffer, so make sure that you back it up with the fingers of the other hand, and after each trigger point release, give your thumb a bit of massage too.
Apply effleurage (stroking moves) with supported fingers (technique 3 above), then effleurage with the heel of the hand (technique 2 above), then full handed effleurage (technique 1 above). This will enhance the good that you have done with the stripping and trigger point release. Then leave the patient quiet for a few minutes.
For the five days after the massage, encourage the patient not to sit, stand still or run, for longer than half an hour at a time; but rather to take a short walking break, and to sip water frequently.
Ref. : http://www.easyvigour.net.nz/backpain/h_BackMassage.htm
So long as you have an the help of an understanding partner who will give you good feedback, you can quickly learn to apply therapeutic back massage techniques (Swedish Massage: Effleurage and Stripping, Trigger Point Release) that rival those of massage experts.
Ref. : http://www.skinnydipcandle.com/erotic-massage.html
Setting the Mood
An erotic massage should be a pleasant, sensual experience and there many things that you can do to ensure that it is.
First, arrange for privacy so that you aren't interrupted. Lock the doors, turn off the cell phones, and eliminate distractions.
Second, it's important to set the mood. A memorable erotic massage is not hurried. Set the mood appropriately. Dim the lights, stage a spacious massage area (beds are much more comfortable than couches or the floor), make sure the room is neither too warm nor too cold, play some relaxing music, and light a few candles for soft glow and light fragrance. Lighting at least one Skinny Dip Candle is absolutely perfect. Not only will the candle provide the soft glow and fragrance, but it melts to become a deliciously warm massage oil that is ideal for giving the massage itself.
Prior to the massage, suggest that your partner take a luxurious bath, complete with bath salts and candlelight. Your partner is both freshly bathed, as well as relaxed, and ready to enjoy your massage.
Giving the Massage
First, it's important to relax and enjoy yourself. Do not worry that you don't have massage experience. This is not a therapeutic massage, but rather a massage to help your partner relax and enjoy what will likely be the prelude to a romantic, sexual encounter.
Start slowly, be sensitive to your partner’s response and adapt your technique accordingly. While great massages are not the easiest to give, it is also difficult to give a bad one if you simply keep you partner in mind, keep your movements tender and rhythmic, and be cognisant of your partner's response.To get started, simply rub some massage oil or cream in your hands and warm it prior to starting . . .then go to work. (Using a Skinny Dip Candle is perfect here. . .no worry about "warming" the massage oil as it will be the wonderfully warm as it melts.)
Where should you start the massage? There's actually no "right" way to go about it. Generally speaking though, it's natural to start with your partner lying on their stomach. Begin at the soldiers, then go to the neck, down to his or her shoulders, arms, upper back, lower back, buttocks, thighs, calves, and then the feet. You may wish to then have your partner move to their back and start at the feet and work your way back upwards. Some suggest working on the feet and legs, then skip to the upper body, moving slowly back down toward the stomach and pelvic area. There is absolutely no one way to do an erotic massage, so see what your partner responds to and then you can gauge your movement from there. Working on certain areas longer, or more often, than others is both appropriate, and perhaps desirable. Just be sure not to dwell too long on areas of particular sensitivity.
Some areas are better massaged somewhat softly, others are better if they are massaged deeper, so start experimenting. Just be tender and keep your motions flowing. As you gain experience, it will start becoming second nature to you. The whole concept of erotic massage involves being touched in a way that will subtly arouse your partner sexually, so strive to keep continual contact with your partner. As you explore his or her body, try to do it in a way that creates a continuous flow of movement, as well as to increase the level of intimacy as the massage progresses.
If you are doing a partner massage for the first time, or learning to please a new partner, it's especially important to communicate. You don't necessarily have to ask if every motion you try feels pleasurable, but don't be afraid to ask if they want you to massage an area harder or softer, and so forth. You also want to be sure to listen to your partner's breathing. Breathing patterns can provide an excellent indication of how you are doing.
This form of massage is beneficial in constipation. It stimulates the peristalsis of the small intestines, tones up the muscles of the abdomen walls and mechanically eliminates the contents of both large and small intestines. Abdominal massage should not be done in general, femoral, inguinal and umbilical hernia, inflammation of the uterus, bladder, ovaries and fallopian tubes, kidney stones, bladder or gall bladder, ulcers of the stomach and intestines, and pregnancy.
Abdominal massage should not be done after a heavy meal, but after two hours or so. The bladder should be emptied before the massage. The patient is made to lie on his back with his knees drawn up. This enable the abdomen wall to relax. The masseur should stand at the right side of the patient and use his finger tips for friction round the umbilical region from right to left.
He should likewise alternatively knead the walls and roll with both hands, making deep and firm pressure. He should knead with the hand and finger tips and keep clear of any wound or tender places. He should later take up massaging of the larger intestines.
The manipulation of the large intestine should begin on the right side. Keep it going upwards and across the transverse colon and move right down on the left side to the signoid flexure and rectum. Circular kneading should be done with the help of the three middle fingers. At the same time press into the contents of the abdomen, following the course of the larger colon with a crawling motion. Keep kneading by means of a few circular movements in one spot with the help of finger tips. Keep moving the fingers a little further along. Knead repeatedly. Use knuckles of the hand to make deep pressure along the large colon, moving the hands along after each pressure.
Once the kneading of the abdomen isover, follow up by tapotement with both hands cupped or use the knuckles of the hand. Vibration may also be employed. The patient could also be asked to do some gymnastic exercises for strengthening the walls of the abdomen. Since blood pressure increases during abdominal manipulation, patients with hypertension should avoid abdominal massage. Massage should also be avoided in cases where there has been recent bleeding in the lungs, the stomach or the brain.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/114067
Saaya Irie (入江紗綾 Irie Saaya?, born November 15, 1993, in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan) is a Japanese actress, voice actress, junior idol and singer. Her stage name is simply her given name, Saaya.
She has recently been appearing in numerous films, radio, and television programs including the recent live action TV drama adaptation of the Jigoku Shoujo series. She has also done voice work, appearing in the anime OVA Kyo no Gononi as Chika Koizumi. She was formerly a member of Japanese musical group Sweet Kiss before it disbanded on May 12, 2006 to be replaced by the group Chase.
Ref. : http://www.massagehealththerapy.com/articles/41/massage-therapy/abdomen-massage.html
The abdomen houses vital organs and is a very important part of the body. The abdominal cavity comprises of the stomach, diaphragm, colon, small intestine, liver, pancreas, and gall bladder. The health of the abdomen lies with the stomach, the digestion process and reproductive organs.
The peristaltic waves of the alimentary canal (The muscular contractions of the alimentary canal in wave like fashion move contents toward the opening) begin in the upper stomach and continue down through the rectum where fecal matter is eliminated. In a healthy person, such a wave starts every 20 seconds during digestion. But, when the digestive system is unable to actively digest a meal peristalsis waves slows down. Ideally, the peristaltic waves must be able to flow uninhibited through the entire digestive tract in order to ensure the proper functioning of the intestines.
When the digestion process is inhibited due to illness, malabsorption or inactivity due to a stagnant lifestyle the abdomen undergoes immense stress from the muscles (attached from the spine to the pelvis for support) and the well connected fascia (sticky-like layer between skin, fat and muscle )network that hold the organs within the abdominal cavity. Such stress in the abdominal area may lead to pain in the sides, lower back pain, inguinal and joint pain at the pelvis. Sometimes, even the ribs may get affected.
Other problems related to the abdomen include: abdominal disorders like IBS (Crone’s or Ulcerative Colitis), spastic colon, chronic constipation, dislocation of female reproductive organs and problems caused by dislocation such as miscarriages, infections, premature birth, weak new borns, backache, difficult menopause etc…
Hence, the abdominal massage is highly effective remedy in removing obstructions, correcting dislocations and restoring the harmonious flow. Abdomen massage helps open the abdominal cavity and release the fascia so the organs can lay unrestricted in their natural positions in the abdominal cavity.
Benefits of an abdominal massage
The key benefits an abdominal massage can provide include:
How does one render an abdominal massage?
Here are some basic guidelines to an abdominal massage
An abdomen massage requires the person to lie on their back, knees supported by bolsters. The abdomen is left exposed for the therapist to massage, with the chest and pelvis draped to the comfort of the person. The therapist begins the massage by warming the fascia, employing strokes from the descending colon, around to the transverse and then to the ascending colon. The therapist assists the release of the connective network, and often frees the bowel to perform its function naturally.
Warm castor oil or regular massage lotions are favored lubricants for this type of massage. Heat may also be applied for a better result though it is not necessary. An abdominal massage can be done specifically or along with a full body massage.
Incase of self massage, it is advisable to do an abdominal massage in the mornings and evenings while lying in bed for about 15-30 minutes. With regard to self massage, it is believed that the effectiveness of the massage depends upon the sensitivity to the upward and downward movements (expansion and contraction) of the abdomen. Which means it is important to use softer strokes and light pressure on the abdominal walls and one can intensify the massage strokes with gentle vibrations during the exhalation when required.
As a practice, keep the strokes in tandem with the breath because stimulating the diaphragm will not only enhance the abdominal massage but also encourage deeper abdominal breathing. During inhalation, the hands should follow the expansion of the abdomen. During exhalation, the hands must move along with the contraction. Remember: the pressure applied by the hands is almost zero while inhaling, whereas it intensifies in pressure when exhaling.
Just before exhalation, draw nine circles counter-clockwise with the right hand on the right side, followed by nine circles clockwise with the left hand on the left side. Then exhale. The pressure should be just enough to move the skin lightly. The circles should only be as large as the stretched skin permits.
The circular motions push the abdominal wall against the intestines. Be sensitive to the strokes and notice the soft structure of the intestine underneath the abdominal wall. Unless one is able to feel the intestine, one may not be able to experience the benefits of the massage.
Continue to draw the circular motions with both hands such that both the hands move towards each other. The right hand moves counter-clockwise, the left hand clockwise. Both hands are moved from the lower outside region of the abdomen to the center. Once they reach the center the hands are moved upward, then to the sides and downward. Thus, each hand draws one circle on the right and one on the left side of the abdomen.
Complete the abdominal massage by combining the circles with gentle vibrations. These soft strokes stimulate the entire intestine. One can continue doing so for three to five minutes. It is also advisable to take a 3-5 minutes break between strokes applied to the abdomen.
Other Known Abdominal Massage Therapies
With the success and popularity of massage therapies various traditionally followed techniques have come to light. Some such known therapies used to treat and massage the abdomen include:
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In this series of videos Athena gives a demonstrates Swedish Massage Therapy techniques on the entire body demonstrating each part of the body including the back, chest, abdomen, face, feet, hands, legs, thighs and neck. Athena focuses on the muscle and tissue connections.
Athena Jezik is a licensed massage therapist who specializes in Lymphatic Drainage and Cranio-Sacral Therapy.
Here is a sitting neck massage for relaxation.
Visit Athena's Website at; http://www.acranio.com/
This video was produced by Psychetruth
Music by Jimmy Gelhaar
© Copyright 2011 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Back massage therapy Swedish techniques complete body psychetruth cranio-sacral Athena lymphatic demonstration connection
Ref. : http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-orthopedic-massage.htm
Orthopedic massage is a type of massage therapy which is focused on treating painful conditions which affect the soft tissues of the body. The massage therapist may integrate a range of techniques to treat these conditions, ideally adapting his or her style for each client, as every person's body is slightly different. Orthopedic massage may be recommended by a physician who wants a patient to pursue multiple treatment modalities, and people can also see an orthopedic massage therapist independently. Training in orthopedic massage is offered by several massage schools.
A therapist who performs orthopedic massage focuses on problems with the client's musculoskeletal system. He or she may release tight muscles, help to stretch shortened muscles and tendons, and decompress joints. The goal is to normalize the soft tissues of the body, both to treat specific conditions and to keep clients generally healthy and fit. Because orthopedic massage is designed to treat medical conditions, it requires extensive training, as an unskilled therapist could harm a client by accident.
The first step in an orthopedic massage session is assessment, in which the therapist will talk to the client about the problem and examine the area of interest. If the massage therapist partners with a physician, he or she will also look over notes from the physician. Then, the therapist establishes a treatment plan which considers the physiological effects of various massage techniques. Orthopedic massage is very flexible, since it integrates a wide range of bodywork styles with the end goal of improving the client's condition.
Finally, the therapist works with the client on the table. By using various soft tissue manipulation techniques, the massage therapist can alleviate an assortment of painful conditions caused by soft tissue strain. Depending on the client's issue, the massage therapist may recommend multiple sessions to treat the problem, to ensure that it is eliminated and to build up strength and resistance in the affected area so that the condition does not recur.
Because many serious medical conditions can present with things like painful muscles and tendons, an orthopedic massage therapist needs extensive training to learn to differentiate between orthopedic problems like a strained shoulder and medical problems like strokes and heart attacks which can spark muscle pain at their onset. Some conditions can also be exacerbated by massage therapy; some experts argue that some cancers, for example, can be encouraged to spread with massage, or a therapist could unwittingly cause lymphedema in a patient with improperly applied massage techniques. If you are considering orthopedic massage, you may want to talk to a doctor first to make sure that it is the best treatment for you.
Ref. http://www.essentialdayspa.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=36457
The Tanaka massage has 11 steps:
Warm-up exercise to prompt the flow of lymph
Ref. : http://spas.about.com/od/swedishmassage/a/Swedish.htm
What Happens During Swedish Massage?
Generally during Swedish massage you're nude underneath a towel or sheet. The massage therapist uncovers only the part of the body he/she is working on, a technique called draping. You can keep your underwear on during Swedish massage, and many newcomers do.
During Swedish massage, massage therapists apply massage oil to your skin to facilitate various massage strokes, including the smooth, gliding strokes called effleurage. Other classic Swedish massage moves include kneading, friction, stretching and (sometimes) tapping.
Swedish massage promotes relaxation, eases muscle tension and creates other health benefits. It can be slow and gentle or vigorous and bracing, depending on what the therapist wants to achieve.
Feel free to state your preference for pressure during Swedish massage. It can range from light to firm. Swedish massage usually includes some deeper work on areas of specific muscle tension. If you want more intensive work and firmer pressure, ask for a deep tissue massage.
The cost of a Swedish massage will vary, depending on whether you go to a day spa, resort spa, destination spa, a chain like Massage Envy or go to a massage therapist. Swedish massage pricing will also depend on what part of the country you live and how luxurious the spa is.
Why Is It Called Swedish Massage?
Swedish massage was pioneered by a Swedish physiologist, Henri Peter Ling, at the University of Stockholm in 1812. It was introduced to the U.S. in 1858 as "The Swedish Movement Cure." Swedish massage is the foundation for other types of Western massage, including sports massage, deep tissue massage and aromatherapy massage.
Ref. : http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/20955254/ns/today-relationships/t/biggest-sex-mistakes-men-women-make/
It’s no secret that many couples have mixed signals on exactly what their partner wants in the bedroom. To help sort out these “misunderstandings,” Ian Kerner, author of several books including “She Comes First,” and iVillage sex expert Tracey Cox addressed the most common mistakes both women and men make.
The sex mistakes women most often make:
Ian: After sex, men return to the pre-aroused state, women return to a semi-aroused state. For guys it’s a total system shutdown. We just want to crash, whereas women want to connect, cuddle, converse, even have more sex. Women shouldn’t assume that a guy is insensitive if he’s more inclined to snore than snuggle. He’s probably just shattered. Think of it as a compliment to the sex you just had.
Tracey: I disagree with this. I think men do like to cuddle! They’re just worried their partner might see it as weak and them as vulnerable. I think a lot of the time a man suggests sex, what they’re really after is the physical closeness a cuddle would provide
Ian: Absolutely. Guys have many of the same issues as women when it comes to sex: feeling out of shape, unattractive, not wanting to be seen naked during sex. I worked with one guy who always had to rush to put on his boxers after sex and could never cuddle naked. His wife didn’t know what was going on. Turned out he felt very “smallish” after sex.
Also, when guys are stressed out about work/financial issues, it often leads to a shutdown of desire. In both men and women, low self-esteem equals low desire.
Tracey: Men aren’t robots. They’re humans and worry about the same stuff females do. Also there’s pressure on men to provide good sex to women. They expect a lot from men in bed these days, and often expect men to be mind readers, rather than tell them what they want. I’m not surprised men get anxious and their libido dips.
Ian: No way. As relationships progress over time, women can’t assume that guys are Pavlovian dogs that want to have sex every time you ring the bell. The mental turn-on becomes more crucial than the physical turn-on, and sexual desire begins in the brain, not the groin.
Tracey: They do! And they get all upset if he doesn’t get an instant erection just by looking at her! It’s true that young men probably are ready, willing and able at any point, but once a guy moves into his 20s, the pressure mounts in other areas of his life, like career, and he’s as capable of getting distracted by life’s problems as she is!
Ian: One of the reasons is that during sex, women produce lots of oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates a strong emotional connection. As a result, women are more emotionally integrated when it comes to sex. That’s why casual sex and hookups often backfire for lots of women. Guys produce little to no oxytocin, and can easily have sex without any sense of emotional connection. It’s sex with no emotional strings attached.
Tracey: Men think they have a stronger sex drive than women do, but in most cases they’re wrong. The reason why men remain the main sexual instigators isn’t just to do with desire. Other factors have a big influence. Women are more likely to do the housework on top of holding down a job, so we’re more tired. Hormones also influence our libido, which means our sex drive is less constant. We’re likely to feel like lots of sex at a particular time, rather than all of the time. We also tend to attach more emotions to sex, so if our partner’s being a right so-and-so out of bed, we aren’t going to want to jump in one with him! Finally, there’s evidence that while men are aroused by the thought of sex, women are more aroused by sensation.This basically means we might be a bit lackluster at the start, but heat up nicely once things get going.
Ian: These are the same guys who think foreplay is a peck on the lips and a hand down the pants. If guys actually took the time to understand and nurture female desire, they’d be surprised at the strength of its force.
Tracey: I always find it quite amusing when I ask men what they think women want in bed because they nearly always put a romantic spin on it. Well, we’re not the pure, innocent little creatures you think we are. Women can be just as naughty as men. In fact, a recent study proved that women are more aroused by explicit fantasies than romantic ones. Flick through a Nancy Friday book about female fantasies next time you’re browsing the bookstores. She got women worldwide to send her their personal favorites and, believe me, they aren’t about men on white horses and romantic walks along the beach!
Ian: Women have as much of a naughty wild side as men. The cliché is that men are lights-on, women are lights-off in the bedroom, but sex is multidimensional and it’s all about having a dimmer switch that goes from romance to raunch.
Tracey: I think men make the mistake thinking porn sex is real sex. It’s not! Men in porn are chosen because they aren’t the norm. They’re larger than life, if you get my drift. Quite frankly, faced with what they have in real life, most women’s eyes would water! We don’t want that, and we don’t want men to behave like they do in porn films. They work their way through the Kama Sutra in about five minutes. In real life, that’s just boring. It doesn’t impress us if he changes positions all the time. What does impress us is a guy who takes time to work out what we need to get turned on. It’s not about the positions — that’s often the least interesting part of sex for women!
Ian: A guy can’t get through the day without seeing an ad for an erectile stimulant, getting spam about some sort of penis enlargement pill, or hearing sexual tall tales from the guys in the locker-room. We live in an age where a lot of guys feel like they have to make love like porn stars, and with all the cultural reinforcement, it’s hard to believe otherwise.
Tracey: The male and female sexual systems are different: men get aroused much quicker; women take time. Just because he’s ready for sex doesn’t mean she is! This is the single, biggest mistake even experienced male lovers make. They underestimate how long women take to orgasm. The statistic most cited for oral sex (which is the fastest, most direct route) is 20 minutes. Most men can climax in about two minutes! And not just that, we need time to get warmed up for sex so we’re physically prepared for it. Foreplay isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity!
Ian: Guys cycle very quickly through the process of arousal. A guy experiences a sexual moment and presto! He’s ready for sex. There’s an instant connection between arousal and the desire for sex, and guys assume that women are experiencing the same thing. So to all the guys: Take your assumptions, add 15 minutes of foreplay.
Deep tissue massage is a type of massage aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue. Deep tissue massage uses many of the same movements and techniques as Swedish massage, but the pressure will generally be more intense. It is also a more focused type of massage, as the therapist works to release chronic muscle tension or knots (also known as "adhesions.")
Will A Deep Tissue Massage Hurt?
It shouldn't hurt, but it's likely to be a bit more uncomfortable than a classic Swedish massage. You should always feel free to speak up if the pressure is too much for you.
It's important to drink a lot of water after a deep tissue massage to help flush lactic acid out of the tissues. If you don't, you might be sore the next day.
It's possible that you might feel some soreness the day after a deep tissue massage even if you DO drink water. This just means a lot of waste products were flushed out of the tissues. It should pass within a day or so.
How Fast Will I Get Results With A Deep Tissue Massage?
It's important to be realistic about what one deep tissue massage can achieve. Many people ask for more pressure, thinking that if the therapist just pushes hard enough, they can get rid of all their knots in an hour. This just won't happen.
In fact, undoing chronic knots and tension built up over a lifetime is best achieved with an integrated program that includes exercise, work on your posture and ways of moving, relaxation techniques and a regular program of massage.
Finally, while deep tissue is certainly valuable, you should be aware that gentle styles of massage like craniosacral therapy can also produce profound release and realignment in the body.
Ref. : http://spas.about.com/od/hotstonemassage/a/Hotstone.htm
Hot stone massage is a specialty massage that uses smooth, heated stones. They are often basalt, a black volcanic rock that absorbs and retains heat well, but they can be other types. The heat is both deeply relaxing and helps tight muscles release. Watch a video of a hot stone massage.
What Happens During a Hot Stone Massage?
How Much Does a Hot Stone Massage Cost?
A hot stone massage is more expensive than a basic Swedish massage because it requires more preparation and clean-up and usually runs longer. A typical hot stone massage is $125-$150, but the price can go higher.
What You Need To Know About Hot Stone Massage: